New Zealand – not a green and settled land


A shock volcanic eruption on a tourist island in New Zealand has killed at least five with 23 rescued, some of them critically ill with burns, and 22 missing. There aren’t expected to be any more survivors. Tr Saturn is exactly square the New Zealand Aries Moon exactly at the moment which is an indication of loss and mourning; with an undermining tr Neptune square the NZ Jupiter as well.

Tr Pluto is heading to cross the IC in January 2020 onwards which is a reasonable metaphor for an eruption from deep in the earth. And tr Pluto’s entry into the NZ 4th house starts a phase of several years of major challenges and considerable stress as Pluto will conjunct the Sun in 2021/22, then conjunct Mars in 2022/23 and finally square the NZ Pluto in 2023/24 – part of that could be more natural disasters or severe internal aggravation amongst a discontented populace.

One thought on “New Zealand – not a green and settled land

  1. White Island is far too dangerous for tour groups. Quite how it became a tourist spot is beyond many of us who grew up knowing only scientists would occasionally and very quickly visit for their research. It is far too active to be considered safe. Someone who wanted to make money out of “Adventure Tourism” has blood on his hands. RIP to the dead and missing.

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