Hate to be boring but we’re back in the White House, mopping up a few more loose ends. Given that tensions appear to be rising sharply amongst the charts of the key inmates still resident and on the Trump Administration chart come March/April/May (see posts below), the Mueller Investigation might seem the place to start. The Washington Post reckons Trump himself is under scrutiny on two fronts. His relationship chart with Mueller looks nerve-wracked in April with tr Neptune square the composite Uranus; with violent disruptions starting even earlier from late this month as tr Uranus squares the composite Saturn/Pluto; and more toss-it-in-the-air influences picking up late April into May – tr Uranus square Sun/Pluto which Ebertin describes as separation by force majeure.
It is possible that Trump may fire Mueller and the latter certainly looks very deflated from early May onwards, as if his plans have collapsed, with tr Neptune opposition his Mars. He’ll cheer up from July and will have a much better 2019/2020.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House Press Secretary will be in the middle of whatever melee ensures. She looks pushed to the brink through this month with tr Uranus opposition her Mars/Saturn midpoint, at the end of her nervous tether; with a hint of a break for a few days late April into May; then back in catastrophe-mode from mid May, on and off into early 2019 with tr Uranus opposition her Mars/Pluto midpoint. She has tr Uranus square her Venus also late April/early May with Solar Arc Neptune opposing her Venus in Cancer this year – so emotionally very upsetting.
Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross was doing the TV rounds after Trump’s shock steel trade tariff announcement; though there seems to be some flip-flopping going on. Their relationship looks to be gently sagging from now onwards with tr Neptune opposing the composite Sun through into 2019.
Excellent, enlightening piece in the Guardian. Thanks for forwarding, Marjorie. Read it before my first cup of coffee this morn. Who needs caffeine when you’ve got the Trump administration? It’s one wake-up call after the other. (Latest: Stormy Daniels Sues Trump.) In the Guardian piece, Abramson says, “Jared Kushner, meanwhile, will never know shame. Even if his wings are clipped, he will continue his international money-making escapades.” Does that pan out astrologically? I believe you said in an earlier post that Kushner was headed for deep trouble. Do you still see it that way? If so, how much worse is it going to get for him?
Nunberg was asked to hand over emails from Trump campaign aides. He thought Mueller should narrow the focus of inquiry so he wouldn’t have to go to so much trouble, that it was a “witch hunt” but they probably had something on Trump. He thought it was “really, really funny” that they would threaten him with arrest. The BBC news noted that possible jail time for obstruction was a steep price to pay for a narrowed focus.
He’s now waffled and is agreeing to hand over the emails. He worked on the Trump campaign but was fired over racist facebook posts. Trump sued him for $10,000,000 for breach of confidentiality and settled with him out of court.
Nunberg told CNN “I’m not a Donald Trump fan. He treated me like crap.”.
The silence of the GOP and their failure to do anything to stop him, heck, their openly trying to cover up for him and shut down investigation pathways tells me that they have also been compromised. I’ve never felt more afraid for, depressed, and disgusted by my own government. They don’t work for the American people, they work for billionaires and apparently, Putin. Where will this all end and how/when?
The 2018 midterm elections.When the Democrats take control of Congress in January 2019 it will be game over for Trump.
Not so fast! He’s already blaming past administrations to force his hand with tariffs. It’s not quite “game over”…
The GOP wish the Dems would sweep the midterms. They want the Dems to get blood on their hands getting rid of Trump, then Pence becomes President and its game over. Republicans would do solid block voting like they did with Obama, adding in Redcoat Democrats who would vote with them. Right to Choose—gone, three ultra Conservative Supreme Court Judges—done—including the first Evangelical.
“Be careful what you wish for”.
There will not be President Pence, since he will likely be indicted for Obstruction of Justice in Flynn case, and be out before Trump. Remember, he was Transition Chairman and was warned about Flynn several times. His transits don’t look good, either.
Also, Republicans would be foolish not to be worried. There’s a Perfect Storm coming, with gerrymandered districts being adjusted and Parkland kids coming to voting age – and Millenials finally voting. I’ve said this for some years, but it’ll become increasinly difficult for them to get elected in many currently Red States including Texas without a sharp change in politics.
Also, number of people identifying as Evangelicals is dropping in The US. And even younger Evangelicals are different from their parents. For instance, gay marriage seems not to be an issue for most people under 40, regardless of their religious affiliation. Pluto in Libra and Scorpio are representing here, for different reasons.
Then we would have President Paul Ryan, which is a GOP dream come true.
There is no way to get Trump out of office that doesn’t put another viper in charge.
Not much at all is being done about gerrymandering nationwide. Nothing at all in my state, which is one of the crucial states is needed to win the presidency.
The Millennial vote hasn’t been making any difference, and it’s been around for ten years. Perhaps they aren’t the liberals people think in the privacy of the voting booth.
Grass-roots christianity in the US is powerful everywhere but major urban areas, and in major black urban areas christianity is very much alive. No one wants Grandma’s pocketbook upside the head for not going to church.
Evangelicals haven’t had priest pederest problems or any scandal of international importance. As for any weakening of their numbers, they are like Mormons—they hold together.
So far, “the perfect storm” has been more of a cold drizzle. The mooks
Mueller has been strong-arming couldn’t run a decent bingo parlor.
‘I’m not cooperating. Arrest me.’
These are the kinds of people running the country? America deserves all the fallout that happens. I haven’t felt this level of disgust and disdain toward government since the late 1960s’…watching reports of body counts on the evening news, how we were “winning the war” in Vietnam.
Not boring at all! This is still my favourite soap opera by far.
Aren’t you sweet?
Dorothy’s still lost in Oz and thinks she’s talking to Good Witch Glenda.
Oh, got it.
I’m saddened from all the Trump deliberate infusion of confusion. Time to look far far down the road toward my other plans and goals.
Are we ever going to be rid of this joke of a president? It appears not. Mueller will probably go before him. Not only does Trump think he’s above the law, it’s looking like he IS above the law.
Well, it took two years to get rid of Nixon, and that investigation was, essentially, on one incident. Mueller probe is IMMENSE by contrast.
Also, I’m starting to think we’ve yet to see the action that will end Trump Presidency swiftly. Obstruction of Justice that big as a sitting President he’ll be cooked in days. It would probably be over his children.