Mohamed Bouhlel – a Mars Saturn collision



MBFr MB synFR MC comp



The Nice attack lorry driver has been named by a local paper as Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, born 3 Jan 1985 in Tunisia. He didn’t appear to have been religious, was depressed at the break-up of his marriage and family, and was a bad-tempered weirdo and loner. Most of the other armaments/explosives in his truck appear to have been fakes.

He was a Sun Capricorn which sat midway between Neptune and Jupiter also in Capricorn, – he’d be ambitious for the good life. His Mars in Pisces was trine Pluto and square Uranus – so angry, frustrated, volatile. His Solar Arc Pluto was square his Mars this year, ramping up his angst; Solar Arc Jupiter was square his Saturn in Scorpio – perhaps lifting his depression as he found an outlet for his aggression; Solar Arc Venus was square his Neptune – emotionally confused; his Solar Arc Neptune was approaching a square to his Pluto – megalomania/devastation. Tr Pluto was exactly square his Mars/Node when he went on the rampage; and within two days of being conjunct his Mars/Saturn which certainly describes his brutal actions.

He certainly had issues with France with his Saturn conjunct the France Mars MC in Scorpio, so he’d want to dent their aggression and put them down. In a different way his emphasised Jupiter on their Ascendant could have made for a positive pairing but in this case obviously brought out the self-righteously arrogant side of Jupiter wanting to make the country feel small. His Pluto was conjunct the France Jupiter – a struggle for the upper hand; and opposition the France Saturn – unyielding struggle.

The relationship chart has an explosive composite Mars opposition Node square Uranus – with tr Pluto conjunct the Mars exactly at the moment.

Another unstable loser wanting his five days of twisted glory on the back of the deaths of people enjoying themselves.

3 thoughts on “Mohamed Bouhlel – a Mars Saturn collision

  1. More articles surfacing that Mohamed had low self-esteem and psychological problems while living in Tunisia. The more I read, the less I believe this was from radical religious influences. The French govt is firmly convinced, however, that Mohamed “quickly converted” to radical Islam…perhaps only to maintain its appetite that everything bad in the world and at home is based on radical religious zealots.

    Possibly off-topic…

  2. My artist friend and I were talking about this tonite on the telephone. It reminded us of the old American phrase “going postal”. Back then (early 1990’s) it meant someone becoming berserker angry, then killing everyone in sight, esp at post ofices. The killer then commits suicide.

    Nowadays, it’s called terrorism. Still, dead is dead.

    • Larry, It did sound too knee-jerk blaming it all on ISIL/DAESH. Who knows? And yet he is precisely the kind of petty criminal with a losers’ life, feeling worthless and treated as a second class citizen by the French, who would see the ‘heroic’ Islamic fundamentalist myth as a way of giving him the significance he lacked. Ernest Becker said – it isn’t death we fear, but death with insignificance. The Mark Chapman scenario – wanted his five minutes of fame and he wasn’t going to get it any other way. Nothing to do with religious belief – just using that (maybe) as a perverse way of making his mark.
      From the French authorities’ point of view, trying to calm the population is easier if you have a reason for blame. A random attack by a neighbourhood nutter is much more scary in an odd way. Absolutely no way of preventing it happening again.

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