Millenials – Pluto in Scorpio + Neptune in Capricorn



Millenials are generally considered as the generation born between the early 1980s to mid 1990s. That would coincide with Pluto in Scorpio, 1984 to 1995; and Neptune in Capricorn, 1984 to 1997. Uranus was in Sagittarius 1982 to 1989 then in Capricorn for the triple conjunction with Saturn and Neptune and moved out in 1995.

There’s a range of views about their characteristics: – special, sheltered, confident, team-oriented, conventional, pressured, and achieving. Confident and tolerant, but also with a sense of entitlement and narcissistic. More miserable. Pragmatic idealists. Dislike staying for long in same job. More open-minded, and more supportive of gay rights and equal rights for minorities; self-expressive, liberal, upbeat and receptive to new ideas and ways of living. “The trend is more of an emphasis on extrinsic values such as money, fame, and image, and less emphasis on intrinsic values such as self-acceptance, group affiliation and community.”

Pluto in Scorpio will make them intense, secretive, will-driven, interested in power and for some in the occult, resourceful in crisis, aware of the seriousness of life. Pluto in Scorpio is essentially about regeneration; and they will have strong views about sex and money. Evidently they are ditching credit cards and avoiding debt (apart from student loans). And are more obese – maybe the misery factor. And having less sex than previous generations, perhaps Pluto’s repressive tendencies, or realism about AIDs etc.

The late 1980s to mid 1990s batch will be different from those born earlier in the 1980s, since they have the triple and then double conjunction in Capricorn. Uranus Neptune around 1990 to 1995 is highly-strung, tinged with genius in certain cases, certainly inspired/creative but can also be fanatical. Radically different ideas about the handling of money, both individually and globally.

I suspect we haven’t seen the full potential of this generation yet. Pluto in Scorpio and a heavy dose of Capricorn will take maturity for its full potential to emerge.

10 thoughts on “Millenials – Pluto in Scorpio + Neptune in Capricorn

  1. I think it would be unfair to expect any generation currently in their early 20’s to early 30’s to have shown “full potential”. There are very few fields on which people peak in this age, Sports and Entertainment come in mind. For instance, the view people would have had on Babyboomers in the mid 1970’s obviously was very different from the one we have on them now, despite them having been given a voice with the 1960’s Uranus/Pluto (also because so many people from the past generation were missing when they should have peaked).

  2. The age of maturity has reached new highs. One study puts it at age 25, another at age 30. Used to be when free schooling ended. Pluto slowing this down through those signs?

    Wonder what the age of maturity will be for the Pluto in Capricorn generation. Even slower? Or will they be more stoic and seem older than their age (Capricorn), but eventually look younger (Capricorn).

    • Free – or affordable – schooling now ends at 25 for many Westeners. And it’s not only a “you can” but a “you must” situation. One must have a Master, 20 years of schooling, to get ANY job beyond entry level. I’m not saying the education is necessarily better than 30 or 40 years ago. I suspect it’s quite the contrary. But the expectations are wild.

      • Not just education but the kind and content of the work presented as evidence of employability. I’ve worked primarily as a contractor since 1988. HR types under 50 read my resume and exclaim, “You’re all over the map! You cannot hold a Job! Why didn;t you make them hire you?” Duh. When i point out the nose on their faces…they sheepishly terminate the conversation; no one holds jobs for 25 to 40 years at one company. Yet, this is the very image of stability which is expected.

        • Ditto 40 year old woman with a maternity break on her resume. The sorts of questions I’ve been asked!

          When I’ve stayed in a job more than a few years it didn’t do me any favours, I started advising those younger than me not to do it, in fact.

    • And Pluto in Capricorn have other issues. AI taking over. They are now talking about nixing studying languages, because AI will do translation. My Capricorn Pluto daughter seems to be talented in languages (I’m not half bad, but her father is extraordinarily gifted, and from a family that has produced actual linguists). What will happen when your main talent will be considered “useless”?

      • Never thought of that. Good point. The nearer Aquarius Pluto gets, the stronger AI will get. Since it’s still in Capricorn, first to benefit will be business and government.

      • Some niche markets will continue to present themselves, Solaia. I’ve gone from keypuncher to consultant, and from home remodeling to car engine repair since the early 1970’s. Some things remain certain: bad policitians and wars.

  3. I have two sons. One born 1985 and a total workaholic. He was born into less good financial circumstances. The older one has had a different life with less financial constraints. He is very individualistic.

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