Mike Pence – trying to hog-tie Trump

Mike PenceDT syn MPDT comp MP



Donald Trump has chosen Mike Pence, Governor of Indiana, as his running mate. He is deemed to have discipline, experience in government, conservative principles and credibility among Christian evangelicals. He crusaded against abortion, gay rights and Planned Parenthood. An early advocate of the Tea Party movement, he is on the far right of the Republican party, with close ties to billionaire donors Charles and David Koch,

Born 7 June 1959 he is a Sun Gemini like Trump with Mars in Leo also like Trump; and a Gemini/Cancer Moon. Pence has Sun Mercury, maybe Moon in Gemini and three planets in Leo, so a good deal of hot air, though backed by a tough Pluto trine Saturn in Capricorn.

Running mates don’t have to be soul-mates since they tend to be brought in to fill gaps in the candidates resume/personality. But it’s an odd match. MP’s Sun is conjunct DT’s Uranus, so he’ll find him wayward. MP’s Mars Uranus (and Venus) in Leo conjunct DT’s Pluto so there will rough edges of power-playing in there. And MP’s Pluto is conjunct DT’s Mars and Ascendant, so he’ll attempt to control DT’s flamboyance and his image – not a simple task, nor one which will endear him to Trump. MP’s Saturn is opposition DT’s Mercury – so a definite communication blockage.

Their relationship chart has a ferocious, can-be-hostile composite Mars Pluto conjunction sitting on the focal point of composite Sun trine Saturn Neptune – there’s a whole store of trouble in there if it hits the skids. It’ll certainly be slogging through heavy mud from mid Sept to mid Oct with tr Pluto square the composite Saturn. There’s a tr Pluto opposition the composite Uranus over the election which could go either way, Uranus being a wild card, but it certainly suggests a complete upheaval in their relationship – either parting of the ways, or moving to the White House.

There’s nothing much helpful on Pence’s personal chart (without time) to give a hint about the likely result. He’s got tr Saturn opposition his Sun in the aftermath of the election but that could just be hard work, or it could be a setback.

4 thoughts on “Mike Pence – trying to hog-tie Trump

  1. Zola, No one quite knows whether we entered the Age of Aquarius in the 1960s or are heading there. It’s tricky to pin point a dividing line between constellations. And to be honest Aquarius isn’t all enlightenment and humanitarianism – it has a strong streak of fascism in it as well. The present chaos is the collapsing-old-structures Uranus square Pluto running since 2012, made worse by the swampy, neurotic Saturn Neptune of this year, undermining our grip on reality, security and sanity. The explosive Yod involving Uranus Mars at the moment is also not helping. There will be more repressive right wing authoritarianism probably from the Saturn Pluto conjunction of 2018/19. But it is all too much at the moment. Will turn my mind to it tomorrow.

  2. I remember reading that prior to the fabled age of Aquarius, times would be troubled with wars and internal upsets, settling into right wing authoritarianism in return for calm. Is this it? And how much longer will this upheaval continue?

  3. Attempted coup Turkey. More revolutionary energy thanks to Uranus in conjunct Mars? Pluto in Capricorn very busy overturning established governments. Exhausted living on my Capricorn nerves.

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