Migrant caravan – an impossible problem



The migrant caravan of largely Hondurans moving north through Mexico towards the USA, fleeing poverty and crime in their own country, has provoked Trump into spieling more nonsense than usual. He insists they are mainly criminals, Middle Easterners and a dastardly plot by the Democrats. None of which appear to be true.

Although it is undeniably true that no country can take in unlimited numbers of migrants, no matter how tragic their plight, so why he feels obliged to embellish the narrative is a mystery.

His chart relocated to that particular region of South America puts his Pluto on the Ascendant which will exacerbate his power-hungry tendencies and survival instincts; and puts his Mars firmly into his 1st house ramping up his bombastic rhetoric. He’s threatening to cut aid to those countries involved.

Mexico has been landed with the problem though it wasn’t of their making. The USA relationship charts with Honduras and Mexico are deteriorating considerably from spring 2019 for two years. Relations with Guatemala and El Salvador are already under strain and jolting and jangling this November to February 2019.

Mexico, 15 September 1810 11pm Dolores Hidalgo, is being battered by a Solar Arc Mars opposition Sun at the moment and tr Neptune conjunct the Mex Pluto; moving on to square the Sun/Pluto midpoint and then oppose the Virgo Sun in 2021/22 – so in a long debilitating slide.

4 thoughts on “Migrant caravan – an impossible problem

  1. Wonder what plans he has for this, if any? Will be a border problem around the time of the US election, so probably be used as a fear tactic. If trump or his unqualified state department cronies had any sense they would be making calls to Greece, Turkey, Germany, etc. and finding out the best way to handle it.

    Migration in mass numbers has been going on since people started walking upright. If you’ve ever had one of the popular DNA tests like 23andMe, you’ll have a world map showing you where your ancestors started from and where they finally settled. Long sweeping arrows going across and into other continents.

    Mine started in central and northeast Africa, went through the mideast up into eastern Europe, and then settled in Viking lands. At some point, my ancestors were part of a horde in a camel caravan.

    I don’t see how this will turn out well for the caravan with this administration, but I’m open to being surprised, knock on wood.

  2. Marjorie, of course he’s beating the war drums that non-white/non-ENglish speaking are invading under the guise of immigration/emigration. He’s a bully, so to attack those less than himeslf (nearly everone on the planet) he can emulate the tough guy/dictator picture he has painted of himself. And his base eats it up. He may find himself with no place to go when the nukes begin to fall in a couple of years.

  3. Just a thought in this untethered forgetful time.
    Honduras was once known
    As a banana republic. Simply put, a satellite plantation supplying a steady stream of cheap bananas to the USA. To hell with the havoc such a mono culture might wreak for the locals. It would be interesting to see what kind of world we could be living in if we didn’t consistently prop up oligarchies to perpetuate the myth of a cheap abundant wonderland of choice at home. I can’t help but think America has some role to play in this particular arc of history.

    • well, the world we have is what we must face individually and collectively. Africa had the same branding as Central America; it’s no further progressed than most other “modern” emergent nations.

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