Mitch McConnell – upset by name calling


Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, has been rattled by the nickname ‘Moscow Mitch’ and then ‘Massacre Mitch’ for his single-handed blocking of stronger election security measures after Russia’s interference in 2016; and his refusal to tighten gun laws. Then he broke his shoulder – not a great week.

He was born 20 February 1942 Alabama sadly no time, and is a Sun Pisces with a heavyweight, tough-minded and unsentimental Mars Moon Saturn Uranus in Taurus trine Neptune; plus Mercury Venus in Aquarius opposition Pluto probably square a Taurus Moon. Incredibly Fixed, stubborn, enduring.

He’s taking a fair battering this year and exactly now with tr Pluto trine his Mars; and then moving to trine his Saturn continuing throughout 2020, which is pushing boulders uphill and not exactly light-hearted and happy. He’s also got the accident-prone tr Pluto trine his Mars/Saturn midpoint now and returning later in the year. Pressures won’t ease in 2020 with various major jolts and jangles from June onwards with tr Uranus square his Solar Arc Mars and then Solar Arc Saturn – which could be health related or major setbacks. Over the election itself he has the tr Jupiter Pluto conjunction trine his Saturn and tr Saturn trine his Uranus – neither of which are ecstatic nor are they devastatingly bad. Though what comes next won’t please him with a highly stressed December; and badly sagging morale and plans collapsing late January 2021 just after the Inauguration and running off and on till late 2022.

His relationship with Trump, which has been relatively calm to date will hit a chilly and stormy patch from February 2020 onwards with tr Saturn square the composite Sun, then Venus and tr Uranus square the composite Pluto from May turning their connection upside down. The Saturn freeze and separation repeats through the year returning for the final time mid November 2020. Whether that is McConnell being beset by health issues or other political distractions since he’s up for re-election in 2020 isn’t clear.

3 thoughts on “Mitch McConnell – upset by name calling

  1. Thank you for this, Marjorie. That Moscow Mitch is “incredibly fixed” comes as no surprise. The man seems immovable, but perhaps the upcoming travails you refer to will send him packing. Fingers crossed.

  2. Mitch McConnell had severe Polio at the age of 2 yrs, as a result of this he has always had difficulty with walking and balance so he often falls over and breaks bones..

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