#MeToo tsunami – Scorpio and the millenials



Why now? The outpouring of #metoo allegations of sexual abuse and harassment in the USA and UK feels like a game-changing moment, although it is in danger of saturating a public more inclined to look the other way.  It’ll only take a couple of false allegations to be exposed to run the risk of being swept back under the rug again.

Scorpio will have a hand in it with tr Jupiter having moved into Scorpio, the sign that rules sexuality, almost to the day when the Harvey Weinstein allegations in the NY Times blew the lid off a very nasty can of worms. But Jupiter cycles back round into Scorpio every 12 years so there has to be a more complicated explanation – of several astrological influences coinciding to create a perfect storm, some of which specifically trigger the US and UK charts.

Scorpio which has a reputation for depth,  darkness and trawling the sewers will certainly be part of it. It was the driving force behind the upsurge of child sexual abuse allegations in the UK and USA. In the late 1980s as Pluto was in early Scorpio in the UK it kicked of with Cleveland family abuse allegations. Although they were trashed unfairly by the media and politicians as a nothing-happened scandal, there was ample evidence which has never received proper exposure. As Pluto left Scorpio in 1997 the infamous Rosemary West trial was making the UK sick as a dog with appalling tales of child sexual abuse and murder.

In the USA, again at the start of Pluto in Scorpio in 1988 Ellen Bass’s book Courage to Heal for child sexual abuse survivors went global and provoked a backlash against victims speaking out and their social work and therapist helpers, which morphed into the vicious Memory Wars of the 1990s which attempted to write off allegations as ‘false memories’ and succeeded to a frightening degree because of a gullible public, for whom denial is always the more comfortable option.

When the Jimmy Savile was outed in October 2012 as a prolific paedophile, a year after his death, tr Saturn was within a few days of moving into Scorpio; and an avalanche of other tragic victim stories and trials followed.

It’s easier to see why these examples of Scorpio transits above rattled up the UK since the country chart has planets in all four fixed signs, including a can-be-corrupt Mars in Taurus in the 8th house of sexuality square Venus in Aquarius in the 5th house of children. So any outer planets transiting through Scorpio would force murky secrets to the surface. The USA is less obvious though the US Aquarius Moon (sign of the feminine) may play its part and it has been shaken this year and next by the Leo/Aquarius Lunar and Solar Eclipses. And tr Jupiter will square the US Moon in 2018.

I wonder whether the millennial generation has a hand in the explanation since it includes those born in the Pluto in Scorpio years (1983 to 1995), as well as the triple conjunction in Capricorn of the late 80s/early 90s. They are rebellious, more inclined to disregard ‘conventional’ wisdom and to rock the boat wherever possible.

Ronan Farrow whose determined efforts broke the Weinstein story was born on 19 December 1987 with Pluto and Mars conjunct in Scorpio and Saturn Uranus in late Sagittarius very central to his chart. At the moment tr Uranus has moved a third of a zodiac to trine tr Saturn and both are tied into the Leo North Node which is being buffeted by this August’s Leo Eclipse and next February’s Aquarius Eclipse.

For all I distrust the overblown transgender phenomenon which risks thoroughly confusing children, that may be an additional symptom of the breakdown of the – I hate the word – patriarchy, out of which springs much of the past sexualised power play behaviour.

Any other astro-thoughts welcome.

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