Matthew Whitaker – ludicrously unsuitable for the DoJ



Matthew Whitaker, Trump’s bizarre pick to replace the ousted Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, effectively putting him in as overseer of the Mueller Investigation, is causing consternation. Not just because his appointment without confirmation may not be constitutional, but because he is in the Washington Post’s description, a crackpot.

He was involved in a company (WPM) that scammed US military veterans out of their life savings, for which fraud they were ordered to pay authorities $26m. During his time on the company’s advisory board, WPM claimed that “DNA evidence collected in 2013 proves that Bigfoot does exist,” had a website selling Bigfoot paraphernalia and planned a celebrity event called “You Have Been Squatched!” They tried to raise money using bitcoin for time-travel research – “relive moments from your past” or “visit your future.” And punted an extra-deep “masculine toilet” for the well-endowed.

He joins a long list of gruesomely unqualified Trump appointments – his adulatory WH doctor in to run the Department of Veterans Affairs; chief scientist at the Agriculture Department who isn’t a scientist; others include  a Mar-a-Lago member, a Car Care manager, a bartender, a cabana attendant, a truck driver and Eric Trump’s wedding planner.

Born 29 October 1969 in Iowa, Whitaker is a Sun Scorpio opposition Saturn in Taurus ; with an opportunistic Mars in money-minded Capricorn square Jupiter Mercury; and Mars also in an ultra- determined and fairly slippery trine to Pluto sextile Neptune.

He has one minor up ahead and everything else suggests a downward trajectory with a blocked Solar Arc Sun square his Pluto now-ish or into 2019; plus some Neptunian sinkers; and worse in 2020.

He’s not a good match with Trump since his Mars opposes Trump’s Saturn Venus and his Pluto squares Trump’s Sun – could be quite a damaging connection.  His relationship chart with Trump is sagging badly in January and bumping uncomfortably along from late March onwards.

8 thoughts on “Matthew Whitaker – ludicrously unsuitable for the DoJ

  1. Trump has just been ordered by federal judge Timothy J Kelly (a Trump appointee apparently!) to give Jim Acosta’s press pass back. Cue yet another narcissistic rage from 45.

  2. Wow — fascinating.

    Thanks Marjorie and everyone for your insights.

    Can’t wait to see what happens next.

    And as excruciating as the State of the Union address can be, may have to tune in and observe.

    TY again.

  3. …what a coincidence, yet another con man attracted to trump’s circle. Wondering if in time, Whitaker will regret ever accepting this position. Pretty sure Manafort regrets taking on his former role as campaign manager.

    Appreciate his astrology details, Marjorie. This one should prove interesting to watch. Trump’s desperation in appointing him, Whitaker’s arrogance and entitlement in accepting a role he’s totally unsuited for.

  4. Solaia,

    Melania publicly humiliated her husband. No smart First Lady would ever have done publicly what she did. She may have been efficacious in getting rid of the Asst. National Security, but it was poorly done.

  5. Ah yes.Mrs. Trump.FLOTUS.What
    is going on with her?Off hand I cannot remember another First
    Lady issuing public statements on national security staff much less
    calling for their ouster.

    • My theory? DJTs vascular dementia is getting worse, and (self)protective Capricorn Moon she is, Melania is doing everything in her power to hide it and protect her husband’s image. Like her or detest her or be somewhere in the middle, she does this, with an incredible efficacy. Remember last seeing Barron Trump? Me either, and him being out of public’s eye is all her doing. Mira Ricardel has a reputation of being a gossip, apparently spreading rumors about Jim Mattis among others, according to a WaPo story, and whatever the given reason for her ouster, she has to go for this reason.

      And on DJT’s vascular dementia, I’ve been on this watch since he slurred words signing US Israel Embassy move to have Jerusalem, resulting on speculation on stroke. “Ministrokes” like the one Trump is thought to have suffered of, are the onset of vascular dementia. The fact they tend to cause damage on different areas of the brain make initial diagnosis hard, because symptoms vary. I know, because we have family history of pure vascular dementia, no Alzheimer, verified by MRI. The condition could not have taken more different course in my grandfather and her sisters. That said, one thing that happened to all of them was forgetting simple, motorary functions. This happened to Trump with that umbrella drop, it’s clear that rather than not caring (he does go great lenghts to appear competent), he simply didn’t remember how to operate it.

      In the months to follow, I’ll expect Melania and WH loyalists to keep DJTs public appearances to bare minimum. Something they can’t skip is State of The Union speech, averaging an hour. It should be illustratitive, following his bodylanguage and delivery rather than what he says.

    • Weird, right?! Add to it reports that the individual (now moved to a different dept.), hadn’t met or interacted with Melania.

      Given the mango menace’s bad press over midterms, his horrific Armistice and Veteran’s Day optics, he may not have wanted to add to the pile of recent poor press, and possibly ordered Melania to say she wanted the person fired. Seems a bit out of character for her otherwise, but of course, with this bunch, anything is possible. Lol.

  6. I bet Whitaker actually has close to midday birthtime, and that Sun/Moon connection we see here is real! He caught Trump’s eye by going on full “fanboy” mode on Fox News. But as with a typical love relationship synastry, there are cracks under that initial fascination, and Whitaker may do something to infuriate either Mr. or Mrs. Trump soon.

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