Matt Lauer & Geraldo Rivera – it just keeps rolling



Sexual harasser Matt Lauer’s exposure – now fired as Today show host and in full PR apology mode – seems to have been more of an upset than some. Though his secret-button locked door mechanism which trapped unwary female visitors in his office is enough of a shock to persuade even the most sceptical.

Born 30 December 1957 in New York, he’s a Sun Capricorn trine Pluto, sextile Neptune Jupiter with his Pluto square Mars. No shortage of controlling, power-hungry elements in that. His singleton Moon in Aries would suit him for a public career, and is either trine Saturn or trine Pluto – in either case not a woman-friendly Moon. It is probably being assaulted by tr Uranus at the moment as his star plunged to the ground. His Venus is in Aquarius – dislikes intimacy but feels free to experiment.

Geraldo Rivera, another talk show host, quintuple married, spoke up in support of Matt Lauer and was then outed by Bette Midler on #metoo. The Daily Beast skimmed through his 1991 Memoir describing it as a “Horndog’s Bible of Workplace Harassment.” Born 4 July 1943 12 am New York, he’s a Sun Cancer, though more pointedly has an attention-demanding 5th house Pluto conjunct Jupiter and late Cancer Moon – so again Pluto’s need to dominate figuring strongly. With his Moon in an angry square to Mars in Aries, with Mars trine Venus in Leo – not exactly sensitive especially to the fairer sex.

One thought on “Matt Lauer & Geraldo Rivera – it just keeps rolling

  1. Wow, look at Matt’s solar arc Sun exactly conjunct the s.a. Midheaven, swimming through the murky waters of the Pisces 12th house. Angry Aries Venus has been trapped with them, but is now so close to the Ascendant that her story is finally heard.

    As for Geraldo, Neptune in the 7th–the only planet above the horizon–obscures his real nature from the public eye even more.

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