Margarita Simonyan – RT’s Kremlin belle



Margarita Simonyan has been listed amongst the world’s most powerful women by Forbes. She is editor-in-chief of RT, the English-speaking television news network and the state-owned international news agency Rossiya Segodnya. RT is generally regarded as the Kremlin’s international propaganda channel, has been accused of spreading disinformation by former employees; and the UK authority Ofcom has repeatedly found RT to have breached rules on impartiality, and of broadcasting “materially misleading” content.

Born 6 April 1980 she has some chart. A super-confident, attention-demanding and entrepreneurial Fire Grand Trine of an Aries Sun trine Mars North Node in Leo trine Neptune (Moon) in Sagittarius, with the Sun opposition Pluto – making influential and controlling Pluto the driving planet of all that self-expressive, risk-taking fire energy with Mars Neptune attracting her to publicity and glamour. She also has Saturn in hard-working Virgo opposition Mercury in Pisces square Neptune – so definitely drawn to conspiracy, scandal and obfuscation. Plus a T square of Uranus opposition Venus square Jupiter – lucky and scattered.

Her relationship chart with Putin has a supportive composite Sun Jupiter conjunction; with Jupiter opposition Mercury square Saturn – a lucky, business link. With a status-quo-upsetting composite Uranus Pluto as well. But for all that, it’s an uneasy connection with her Pluto conjunct his Neptune Saturn, Sun; her Sun square his Uranus and opposition his Libra planets; her Mars conjunct his Pluto; and her Neptune conjunct his Mars. While it works spreading scandal (Pluto Neptune); and pulling together in the same direction, it’ll be fine. But if he ever feels threatened then woe betide her. Their relationship will get a dent come early 2018 with tr Uranus opposition the composite Mars; and will be cooler through 2018/19 with tr Saturn hitting on key composite planets.

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