Lying ‘Nick’ Carl Beech – a chancer’s Jupiter


The trail of damage left behind by ‘fantasist’ Carl Beech’s lies about sexual abuse is considerable, not just for those who were falsely accused, but also for those struggling to get their genuine stories heard and believed. He claimed various high level political and military individuals in a paedophile ring were guilty of heinous abuse, which stories were swallowed hook, line and sinker by a gullible police force, over-reacting against their earlier wilful blindness of abuse cases – and Deputy Labour Leader Tom Watson stirring up a media storm.

Certain of Beech’s stories involved physical torture which could have quickly been disproven by the simple remedy of a medical examination as could other details of his stories. That there will be abusers amongst the highest and mightiest in the land is hardly a stretch of the imagination, given Cyril Smith, Jimmy Savile etc. Pinning down solid evidence is something else even when stories are common currency amongst the gin-drinking classes and regularly appear lightly-fictionalised in crime novels.

Beech, 23 January 1968, Wrexham ( grew up overly attached to his mother, with his father disappearing earlier on and being replaced by an alcoholic, violent military stepfather. Beech learnt he could gain his mother’s sympathy by lying; and went on in adult life to have a middle-class career as an NHS manager, was a school governor and assisted the NSPCC, all of which helped give him credibility when he decided to exploit the post-Savile hysteria. He received financial compensation for his alleged abuse; and was found to have a stash of child porn when he was arrested.

Beech is a Sun Aquarius on one leg of a Yod, sextile Saturn in Aries inconjunct a self-aggrandising Jupiter in Virgo which in turn is in an opportunistic, chancer’s opposition to Mars in Pisces. His Venus in Sagittarius squares Uranus Pluto making him emotionally erratic and unpredictable. His intense Scorpio Moon is possibly trine Mars adding another scratchy edge to his emotional responses. His Neptune is on the focal point of a mini-Grand Trine to Sun trine Uranus, giving him a fanatical streak. His Sun is conjunct the neurotic/hysterical Saturn/Neptune midpoint and is also in aspect to his ruthless Mars/Pluto.

His Solar Arc Mars squares his Sun exactly this year for a considerable shock.

Tom Watson, 8 January 1967, a Sun Capricorn square Mars in Libra with Saturn opposition Uranus Pluto square a Sagittarius Moon does have some cross overs with Beech since Beech’s Sun is conjunct Watson’s Venus; and Beech’s Venus is conjunct Watson’s Moon. Though their relationship chart is highly stressed with a composite Saturn opposition Uranus Pluto square Mars; and prone to illusion/delusion with an emphasised Neptune.

There are times one despairs of the police – either they look the other way or they run with the wrong story which isn’t checked out for too long.

2 thoughts on “Lying ‘Nick’ Carl Beech – a chancer’s Jupiter

  1. Over 20 years ago, I met a teenage girl who was unusually beautiful but was totally incapable of social contact. She never spoke and never made eye contact. She was in the care of someone from The Samaritans who was skilled and able to maintain a relationship with her. I was told that she and her brother had been used by their Freemason father in rituals involving sexual abuse. I was told that a former Tory Prime Minister was involved. I was so naive at that time that I couldn’t conceive the possiblity that this was true . I made contact some years ago with journalist Tom Bateman when I heard that he was investigating this topic. However, we were unable to trace and find her. I was pleased to run into a mutual contact recently who told me that this person has now recovered. She is now grown up and working. But I can never forget this wraith like child that I encountered.

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