Lorde – from dream pop into a political minefield



Lorde, the young New Zealand singer/songwriter, whose music has been a crossover hit around the globe is under fire for boycotting a scheduled concert in Israel. She was urged to cancel by pro-Palestinian groups citing Israel’s human rights abuses. An outspoken rabbi took out a full-page advert in the Washington Post condemning her as a Jew-hater, like, he said, the NZ government, which had backed UN condemnations of Israel and its treatment of Palestinians.

Her music is dream pop, with themes of heartbreak and solitude; she collaborated on the soundtrack for Hunger Games and has won multiple awards. Born 7 November 1996 10am Takapuna, NZ, she’s an intense Sun Mercury in Scorpio sextile Jupiter in ambitious Capricorn; with an ultra-determined and angry Mars in Virgo square Pluto. Her Moon is also in Virgo in a creative trine to musical Neptune and innovative Uranus. She also has Saturn in self-reliant Aries trine Pluto, sextile Uranus – so tough-minded as well as experimental.

Her Scorpio Sun Mercury are square Israel’s bleak and controlling Saturn Pluto, so no surprises she reacted. Though she’s criticised for continuing with plans to tour Russia.

Her musical 7th harmonic is strong with pulling together the Sun and Moon and linking them to Venus Pluto and Saturn.

I do wish the pro-Israeli lobby would stop conflating criticism of successive Israeli government policies with anti-semitism. It’s not only grossly insulting, it’s also bullying and manipulative. The terrible persecution the Jewish people have suffered through no fault of their own over centuries does not make them immune from comment when they cause harm.

3 thoughts on “Lorde – from dream pop into a political minefield

  1. This isn’t criticism. Had Lorde wanted to, she could have simply criticized, and perhaps sought to open a dialogue. That would be more effective. This is a boycott. Designed to financially obliterate the independent state of Israel. Three guesses (and Godwin’s law) as to who began with a financial boycott of the Jewish people…

    I am glad you mentioned her hypocrisy over Russia. She is fine with performing in a country where it is illegal to be homosexual, where those who are out and proud suffer greatly at the hands of their own government.

    Going to Russia yet refusing to play in Israel is exactly what it says on the box – ‘Anti-Semitic’.

    I agree that she does seem older. That’s probably her Saturn in the 4th, conjunct her South node. Steven Forrest has written some very interesting books about planets conjunct the South node symbolizing who you were in a past life.

  2. Happy New Year! Sending best wishes to Marjorie and “The Gang”!

    Lorde=Convenient publicity. No way was Lorde booked to perform in Tel Aviv without her knowledge. If she feels that strongly about israel, she shouldn’t have approved the tour date in the first place.

    I have a hard time believing she’s so young. Without photoshop, she has the wrinkles of a 40 year old. I’ve wondered if her “youth” will someday be exposed as a hoax, but then I think there has to be kids she went to school with, etc, so it couldn’t be a hoax.

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