Geniuses don’t make great human beings. Steve Jobs’ eldest daughter, Lisa Brennan Jobs has written a memoir Small Fry about her troubled relationship with her father. She was the result of an on-off relationship and Jobs publicly denied being her father for two years after her birth, even claiming he was sterile in a deposition. After a DNA test proved he was her father, a court ruled Jobs had to cover welfare and child-support payments totalling $500 (£385) a month. Days later Apple became a public company and Jobs’ net worth rose to over $200m. He appears to have apologised and made up with her later in his life.
She was born 17 May 1978 in Portland, Oregon, and is a Sun Taurus square Saturn; with Saturn conjunct Mars and Mars square Uranus; plus Jupiter square Pluto. All of which describes a cold, rejecting, cruel father.
Her Mercury was conjunct his 8th house Mars, her Neptune conjunct his IC and her Saturn conjunct his Pluto – argumentative, disappointing and blocked.
Their relationship chart is fairly brutal as well with a composite Mars square Pluto Uranus; a cold Venus opposition Saturn perhaps square Moon; and a strained, disillusioning Yod of Mars sextile Sun inconjunct Neptune.
Jobs had both his Pisces Sun and Aries Moon unaspected so neither his identity nor his feelings were well integrated. He had a powerfully driven Cardinal Grand Square of an inspirational and lucky Uranus Jupiter in Cancer opposition Venus square Neptune opposition an aggravated 8th house Mars; with Mars trine a 12th house Pluto and Pluto square Saturn in obsessive Scorpio. He may have changed the world but he was a troubled man and not an easy temperament.