Laura Ingraham – fuelled by anger



Laura Ingraham, a conservative US TV and radio presenter, has taken a week’s vacation after mocking one of the Florida shooting survivors. He retaliated by naming advertisers on her show and suggesting they boycott her. 11 have pulled out so far.

Born 18 June 1963 8.55am Glastonbury Connecticut (no idea of time source) she has previous form. When editor of a college newspaper, she forcibly outed LGBT students to their friends and family after they attended a confidential meeting. She changed her views later watching her gay brother and partner suffering from AIDs. But she’s still far-right, pro-Trump, anti-immigration, anti-same sex marriage.

She has an 11th house Gemini Sun in trine to a cool, can-be-domineering Saturn in Aquarius; with a startling square of Moon, Mercury, Venus in Gemini square Uranus, Mars, Pluto in Virgo. That is one angry lady with volcanic emotional responses. Mars Pluto types are often haters; many shock jocks and others have hard aspects. Air sign charts can surprisingly sometimes be ideologues and not of a liberal persuasion.

She also has a wide Yod of Neptune in Scorpio sextile Pluto inconjunct Jupiter in Aries. Such a focal point Jupiter can be undone by over-confidence.

At the moment her Solar Arc Saturn is conjunct her Jupiter dampening her enthusiasm. With the exception of one upbeat Jupiter midpoint in 2018/19, she’s got a run of difficulties ahead – major disruptions late this month into May, worse in July and on. With mental strain, obstacles and angst through 2019 to 2021.

If the birth time is sound tr Uranus will conjunct her MC from mid May which could point to a sharp change of forced direction in her career.

11 thoughts on “Laura Ingraham – fuelled by anger

  1. It seems more likely that she would be born after 9:55 am not 8:55. The earlier time makes her a Cancer ascendant whereas closer to 10am makes her a Leo with a 5th house Ketu (vedic chart). This seems to fit her more than being a Cancer ascendant. Physically she strikes me more of a Leo than a Cancer, and as a Leo that puts her Mars in the 1st house as well which also supports more of Laura as a Leo personality.

  2. Agree with Solaia. David Hogg isn’t being manipulated by anyone. He clearly has a mind of his own. Everything about him tells you he’s made of steel. Greatly admire his courage.

  3. What I see on this chart is lack of empathy. Air charts which are able to transform ideology to idealism would have that, in form of a personal planet or axis in Water or even Earth – Taurus especially can be attuned to the needs of the other. This, on the other hand, is very much a chart of a brilliant, ambitious workaholic who doesn’t give a damn about anyone but herself, and herself alone.

    • Have to add, Libra isn’t bad either, to have, to balance a chart like this. It’s not so much about empathy, but at least Libra can see both sides.

  4. Loretta: Your post is something of a coincidence as I’m currently reading Juliet Barker’s tome, “The Brontes.” A bit tedious with all the minutiae, but fascinating nonetheless. Re Aquarius being “unfeeling,” I can relate. I have Aquarius rising and can be cold and detached when those around me are crying buckets of tears. Not that I don’t feel compassion. I most definitely do–more so as I’ve gotten older. But I can be quite the detached observer. I like what you say about accepting and living with ourselves. As Jung once said, “…..when one lives one’s own life, one must take mistakes into the bargain; life would not be complete without them.”

  5. Aquarius of all the air signs can be the most idealistic, fixed and unfeeling in difficult aspects. As for the Mars Pluto opposition , this is strong in my own chart and was in the charts of all the Brontes who wrote of dark, violent men ….I wrote a thesis on this many years ago called the Poetic soul and the dark lover! (on my blog now for those interested in the Bronte sisters) Yes, a part of me can hate horribly! But being a follower of Jung I have understood this to be my animus figure and have projected it onto the men in my life, dark, strong, determined, rageful characters in many ways. One is very intolerant and right wing indeed. Projections are like looking in a mirror, or should be seen so as I know full well this is an inner character in my psyche to be understood and acknowledged and sometimes made use of when it may be necessary to be strong and determined and fearless. The Pisces side of me is more compassionate and caring but sometimes too pliant We are all split beings within ourselves and the world is a projection of every individual. Instead of projecting on eveything and everyone we need to understand, accept and live with our selves. Then we might understand, forgive and love our neighbour better!

    • Thanks Loretta, I do think Mars Pluto is difficult for women to ‘own’ and most tend to project it out onto partners. Some time back there was a question from someone with a Mars Pluto hard aspect who always tried to be nice and couldn’t understand why she constantly met with hostility and betrayal. Which was her Mars Pluto coming back at her.
      Jung’s – “that of which we are unconscious meets us on the outside as if it were fate” – seems to me to be one of his most valuable insights. With as you pointed out a necessity to take back and become conscious of our projections. There are ways of using it – Marie Colvin, the war correspondent had it strongly, as does Christine Lagarde, IMF – both of whom exist/ed in high-pressure situations demanding resourcefulness. But tricky to utilise in a more mundane lifestyle.
      What’s your blog URL?

  6. An angry woman and an angry young man on opposite sides of the political spectrum. She certainly over-stepped the mark and it would be a big win for the left if she’s forced out from Fox. Who knows if David Hogg is being manipulated by the left as some on the right claim but this is Trump’s America and the political divide is as wide as ever.

    • Ever tried to manipulate a teenager? 😉 Sure, Parkland Survivors do get help from some adults to get their point across. But really, I’m absolutely certain that if they felt misrepresented by adults, they’d speak up.

  7. I miss the days of Mr. Rodgers neighborhood, where adults gave guidance & taught others how to share, respect & listen to each other. Watching adults bully children is shocking, it so blatantly shows a lack of emotional maturity.

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