Larry Nassar – his crimes hidden in plain sight by his employers



Year after year, decade after decade, young athletes made complaints to coaches, counsellors, police and university-employed trainers about sexual abuse by team doctor Larry Nassar and were ignored. One former gymnast became an attorney and was the first to speak up publicly in 2016 which opened the floodgates. A staggering 156 gave evidence at his 16 month long trial and he’ll now die in jail. What comes next are civil suits for negligence against Michigan State, USA Gymnastics, the United States Olympic Committee and Twistars Gymnastics Club, all of which have been named as co-defendants in cases going to court. The Guardian said: “the institutions that oversaw Nassar failed these young women time and again, it required the external force of investigative journalists, and the public pressure their work ignited, to hold a predator to account.”

Larry Nassar was born 16 August 1963 and is a charming Sun Venus in Leo in a hard opposition to Saturn in Aquarius in a slippery square to Neptune. Venus Saturn is oddly enough often found in ‘sex addicts’ charts. He has an opportunistic Mars in Libra opposition Jupiter in upfront Aries which squares onto a North Node and Moon in Cancer. His Saturn is on the focal point of a Yod inconjunct Mercury sextile North Node (Moon), which is a heavy-duty aspect which if mishandled tends to be self-defeating. Though he had a long enough run. His Mars is exactly conjunct his Neptune/Pluto midpoint leading to cunning and deceitful behaviour.

What brought his life crashing down was the move  of his Venus opposition Saturn by Solar Arc to collide with his Mars thus bringing the three central configurations of his chart together, which is often/always a major crisis point.

Judge Aquilina said at the end of the trial: “Inaction is an action. Silence is indifference. Justice requires action and a voice. Anywhere you walk, destruction would occur to those most vulnerable. I just signed your death warrant.”

One thought on “Larry Nassar – his crimes hidden in plain sight by his employers

  1. I just watched the documentary on Netflix about this scandal. It was horrible what he did. I think I heard it said that he was a volunteer and didn’t receive a salary so was that why the officials let it go for so long? They didn’t want to pay a doctor salary? I don’t understand why he was protected. It was such a tragedy

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