Lady Colin Campbell – melodrama amongst the grubs

Celebrity Jungle has been shining the spotlight on Lady Colin Campbell, the arrogantly toffish loud-mouth who loves to shock. Born 17 August 1949 to a wealthy family in Jamaica, she had a birth defect which labelled her as a boy until she went for corrective surgery in her late teens. Her father was moody with a turbulent temper and her mother was narcissistic and cruel.

A brief early marriage gave her a title which she has hung onto. She’s written various books about the Royals, spilling the beans about Diana’s affairs and casting aspersions about the Queen Mother’s parentage amongst other titbits.

She is a Sun Pluto in Leo with Sun inconjunct Jupiter in Capricorn – a hint of grandiosity and snobbery in there. Her Moon is either late Taurus or Gemini; though more likely Gemini square Saturn in Virgo which would be the cold mother; with Mercury Venus also in Virgo. Plus an excitable, overly impulsive focal point Mars in Cancer in a showbiz square to Neptune opposition North Node in Aries.

Her chart is reasonably similar to Princess Anne’s, born a year later, with the Leo Sun Pluto and Saturn Mercury in Virgo.

She looks less certain than she appears at the moment with tr Neptune opposition her Saturn and tr Pluto square her Neptune. But tr Pluto square her Jupiter/Uranus midpoint till late this month will bring her luck.
Her 2016 looks mixed with a lucky tr Uranus square Jupiter but also tr Pluto opposing her Mars which will be fraught.

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