Lachlan Murdoch – Fox News on edge with new CEO




Lachlan Murdoch, eldest son of Rupert, is now Chairman and CEO of the Fox Corporation, a slimmed down entity after the sale this month of 21st Century Fox to Disney. It raises the question of how he’ll manage the pro-Trump, right-wing Fox news end of the business. Rupert was regularly in contact with Trump, Lachlan evidently never.

Born 8 September 1971 he’s a hard-working, understated Sun Venus in Virgo with a tough-minded and sharp-witted Air Grand Trine of Saturn in Gemini trine Uranus trine Mars in uncompromising Aquarius. His Saturn opposes a high-finance, creative, though also neurotic opposition to Neptune Jupiter.

His Uranus is conjunct the Fox Libra Sun, 7 October 1996, so he’ll be a disruptive/reforming force; with his Pluto conjunct the Fox Mercury leading to intense discussions about direction.

His relationship chart with Fox has a confused, disappointing Sun square Neptune; and a chained-together-and-resenting-it Saturn opposition Pluto, which latter is being tossed every which way through this year as tr Uranus opposes the Pluto and is conjunct the Saturn. It’ll be a bumpy ride with a financially undermining tr Neptune square the composite Jupiter in 2020.

He’s nothing like as cosy a fit with Trump as his father. Rupert’s Mars is conjunct Trump’s Venus and his Jupiter is conjunct Trump’s Mercury. Their relationship chart has a friendly composite Sun Venus and probably Moon trine Jupiter. They wouldn’t want to live in each other’s pockets but it’s a reasonable match.

Lachlan on the other hand has his ultra-determined Mars in Aquarius opposition Trump’s Pluto and his Mercury conjunct Trump’s Mars – so power-struggling and argumentative. Their relationship chart which has a slippery Sun Mercury square Neptune is being pummelled this way and that through this year from May onwards.

The Fox News chart looks muted this year with tr Saturn square the Sun off and on till the fall; and in a state of upheaval with tr Uranus square Uranus; heading into confusion and devastation in 2020 with tr Pluto conjunct the Neptune.

2 thoughts on “Lachlan Murdoch – Fox News on edge with new CEO

  1. I see that Lachlan Murdoch has a number of planets and points at 28/29 degrees. His solar arc Mars is opposing his natal Pluto, trine Neptune / Jupiter and quincunx MC / natal Mercury. His SA Uranus is close to the natal Jupiter / Neptune conjunction (sextile N Pluto). Wondering how this will pan out for him especially with the SA Mars opposing Pluto. Is that a dangerous configuration or something more beneficial for him?

  2. Hmmm, I think that I should compare Lachlan Murdoch’s chart to that of Putin, as well.

    Something that hasn’t been discussed much is that Lachlan’s mother, Anna Murdoch Mann, is daughter to an Estonian merchant seaman apparently “displaced” by WWII. Even if this wasn’t something that was an issue in the house when Lachlan grew up, I would consider this a possible influence on how he sees certain things. For instance, he might be subconsciously more concerned about Russian meddling to The US and The UK Elections his father is. This would be especially true in case his Moon is in Taurus, this would make his mother’s influence, in general, much more profound than publicly seen.

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