Kofi Annan – he tried, he made a difference



Kofi Annan, Nobel prize-winning head of the UN for two terms, has died. The descendant of generations of Ghanaian tribal chiefs, he rose up through the ranks at the UN to become one of its most powerful leaders, pushing through reforms, although running into controversies as well, especially over Iraq and Abu Ghraib.

Born 8 April 1938 in Kumasi, Ghana, he was a cautious and practical Sun Saturn in Aries; with a risk-taking and determined Mars Uranus in Taurus trine Neptune, and opposition North Node square Jupiter in Aquarius. An accentuated Jupiter would make him humanitarian, idealistic with an ability to push through visionary schemes.

His 11th and 22nd Harmonics were strong – both are master numbers and difficult to live up to but if well-handled do produce considerable results. Plus a notable leaving-a-legacy-for-history 17H.

His Sun was conjunct the UN Ascendant with his Venus Mercury and Uranus Mars also in the UN 1st – so a significant figure for them. Though his Pluto conjunct the UN 4th house Mars Saturn would run his internal reforms up against severe resistance.

His relationship chart with the UN had a practical Earth Grand Trine of composite Sun trine Uranus Sun trine Neptune formed into a Kite by Sun opposition Venus – vision, realism and great charm.

5 thoughts on “Kofi Annan – he tried, he made a difference

  1. he was a Aries sun Cancer moon. I know a Aries Sun Cancer moon man with the same elegance about him. I wonder if this combo makes elegant people? The Aries man I know has a lot of water in his chart – different of Annan who had lots of Taurus.

    • Many Nordic politicians of the same generation were his personal friends (his second wife was Swedish) and would vouch for this statement.

      Also, interesting tidbit: He had a female twin. For some reason, twins are much more common in Western Africa Coastal Region than elsewhere in the World.

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