Kimba Wood – in the hot seat


Kimba Wood, the judge in the trial involving Michael Cohen, Trump’s personal lawyer over payments made to Stormy Daniels has a stellar reputation from her decades on the bench. She’s known not to suffer fools gladly, is deemed to be a tough judge and has presided over cases involving high-profile defendants, including “Junk Bond King” Michael Milken; and a 2010 one involving the guilty pleas of 10 Russian spies who had been working undercover in the United States as sleeper agents, which inspired the TV show The Americans. The tabloids dubbed her the ‘love judge’ after she was outed as the third woman in a divorce case of the Wall Street financier who became her third husband.

Born 21 January 1944 she has a powerful and well-integrated chart with an intellectual Air Grand Trine of an Aquarius Sun trine Neptune trine Uranus Mars in Gemini; formed into one Kite by Sun opposition Pluto – making controlling, determined and influential Pluto the driving planet. She may also have another Kite with Mars Uranus opposition an outspoken Sagittarius Moon. A  lady who won’t take any hostages and tells it like it is. And she has a Yod of Pluto sextile Mars Uranus inconjunct Mercury in Capricorn – which if well handled will make her an exceptional teacher and communicator.

Her Pluto is conjunct Cohen’s Mars in Leo and her Uranus Mars are square his Virgo Sun – so he’ll be rightly wary (scared) of her and thrown off balance. Her fair-minded Saturn in Gemini is conjunct Trump’s Sun and opposition his Moon so he won’t regard her with affection.

Trump’s relationship chart with her is irritable with a composite Sun Mercury opposition Venus Neptune square Mars Saturn. And there’s stress on that from tr Saturn through this year into 2019. Cohen equally looks jittered and jangled by her this year and next.

On her personal chart, she looks stressed, more so than usually, over the next year, though she’s weathered storms before.


One thought on “Kimba Wood – in the hot seat

  1. Much appreciate your insights re Judge Wood. Good to know she’s going to be an irritant for Cohen and Trump. Prez Don recently said he doesn’t think Cohen will flip on him. That’s a blatant admission of guilt.

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