Kellyanne Conway, the first woman to lead a successful US Presidential campaign as manager and strategist for Donald Trump, was born 20 January 1967.
She has quite a chart with an ambitious (probably) Capricorn Sun opposition Jupiter square a combative Mars in Libra. She’s also got (possibly) two Grand Trines. A definite Water Grand Trine of Jupiter trine Saturn in Pisces trine Neptune, formed into a Kite by Jupiter opposition Sun – so creative, healing for others, talented and ego-driven.
She’s also got her Sun trine Uranus (Pluto) in Virgo maybe trine a Taurus Moon, which may in turn be opposition Neptune; so possibly two Kites off that with the Sun opposition Jupiter as well. She’s quite a powerhouse. An Earth Water chart with no Fire – practical, business-minded with a strong intuition and finger on the public pulse with Water and Moon highlighted.
Her Moon may be conjunct Trump’s Taurus MC with her innovative Uranus Pluto and Sun trine his MC. It wouldn’t be the easiest of relationships since her focal point Mars squares his Saturn in Cancer, which would be aggravating.
She has evidently turned down his Press Secretary role and says she’ll work outside the White House/West Wing but still in support of him. Their relationship chart has a heavily aspected Uranus square the composite Venus and trine Sun, so they’ll need space from one another; plus there’s a jockeying-for-the-upper-hand Jupiter Pluto, which can work well short-term but will probably be better suited to an arm’s length connection. Plus an irritable Mars trine Saturn.
She certainly looks in for a major success with her Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct her Pluto in 2017; though with some losses from tr Neptune; and insecurities or shocks as well from tr Uranus opposition her focal point Mars in late Feb/March.
Either way you look at the President elect,she deserves a medal for hanging in there. What strikes me with Kellyanne is her capacity for denial, she seemed to ignore the more unsavoury aspects of Donald Trump on the campaign trail. She will forever be associated with him.
mars in libra is very assertive in my experience burns hot passion but can back off just as fast -competitive —
My father has Mars in Libra and he has been extremely combative in his life.
Funny you describe Mars in Libra as combative — not usually the case. Do you mean because it squares the Capricorn Sun? During the campaign she was known to have stopped Trump many times, to have toned down his language. For some reason he listened to her.
Yes, it’s a focal point Cardinal Mars in an Air sign, so she’ll be verbally combative. She may have toned Trump down but I imagine that took some argung behind the scenes. She’s clearly a good strategist and would see his machine-gun tweets were wreaking havoc.