Keith Chegwin – the cheeky smile hid his pain



Keith Chegwin, a much-loved children’s TV presenter with a cheeky grin, high-pitched enthusiasm and psychedelic jumpers has died aged 60. He turns out, like many comic characters who are the life and soul of the party, to have been fighting demons. He was an alcoholic much of his life and a heavy smoker. His career sagged after he grew too old to fit the kid’s scene and he sank to playing in the reality TV show Naked Jungle – without his signature knitwear.

Born 17 January 1957 1.35pm Walton, England, he had an intense 8th house Capricorn Sun inconjunct Pluto; square Mars in Aries and Neptune in his entertaining 5th house – so well suited to showbiz, starting in end-of-the-pier entertainment. His Mars was trine a 4th house Pluto hinting at a stressed childhood which left him with lingering deep-seated frustrations and resentment. Saturn in his 6th house of health hints at a constitution which would not cope with excess.

But his 7th house Mercury Venus in Capricorn would make him a charming companion; and his well-aspected Uranus in the 3rd sextile his Jupiter and trine his Saturn would make him mischievous.

Evidently he was self-deprecating, always putting himself down as he entertained others.

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