Kanye West, hubbie of Kim Kardashian, hip hop singer and record producer, one of the best-selling artists of all time, and a fashion designer has always boosted his career by being controversial. He seems more seriously over the top at the moment, claiming to be hugely in debt and demanding Mark Zuckerburg bails him out. Whether it’s all a stunt or his narcissistic mania has finally tipped him off the edge, isn’t clear.
Born 8 June 1977 (no time), he’s a Sun Jupiter in Gemini opposition Neptune, trine Pluto. Jupiter Neptune will certainly give him dreams off the Richter scale; Sun Neptune Pluto can be tinged with megalomania; and heavily Mutable charts are common amongst bi-polar sufferers. His Pisces Moon probably squares that Sun Jupiter opposition Neptune making him even more sensitive.
Plus he has a wannabe-grand Saturn in Leo on the point of a wide T Square to Uranus opposition Venus Mars – which will exacerbate all of Saturn in Leo’s tendency to self-aggrandise.
Unfortunately for him tr Saturn = come down to earth and face reality, is ploughing round his Mutable T Square this year conjunct his Neptune, opposition his Sun Jupiter and square Moon. Saturn Jupiter can be financial cutbacks; Saturn Neptune is paranoid and neurotic and Saturn Sun Moon can be discouraging. Though tr Jupiter in Virgo is doing the exact opposite – so all quite unstable, expanding and shrinking at the same time. Into 2017 tr Neptune will square his Jupiter which can be bubble-bursting.
He does look confused exactly now with tr Pluto trine his Sun/Neptune. And late April through May looks very agitated with running crises.
There’s nothing very definitive and without a birth time it’s trickier still. His lucky Jupiter could still pull a rabbit out of the hat.
PS: There is a possible, unconfirmed birth time of 8.45am which would put his Moon at 16 Pisces, closely tied into the Sun Jupiter opposition Neptune. Tr Saturn is aiming to square that in March/April which will dampen his spirits and make him feel less than supported/popular.
Plus the March Solar Eclipse will conjunct his Moon, sending a tremor round the Mutable T Square which may well hype him up to even higher levels of anxiety. Tr Uranus is also square the Cancer Ascendant, shining a new light on his image or giving it a mighty jolt. Plus tr Pluto is poised to conjunct the Descendant bringing much more intense feelings about close partners and the general public.
His relationship with Kim Kardashian, never easy at the best of times; does look under pressure, volatile and uncertain this year.