Julian Assange – questionmarks ahead

A UN panel, it is reported, will say the Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is being “arbitrarily detained” in the UK. His passport was removed while he was out on bail facing extradition to Sweden for investigation on sexual assault charges. He escaped into asylum in the Ecuador embassy. What difference it will make isn’t clear, since it is unlikely to affect the UK legal position.

Born 3 July 1971 3pm Townsville, Australia, he does have tr Uranus moving to trine his MC soon (on this birth time) which does suggest a positive change of direction.

Tr Saturn is continuing down through his 1st house and indeed through his less successful first quadrant for almost six years ahead. So he will tend to sink out of sight.

There’s nothing much showing on his chart until his Solar Arc Jupiter opposes his Sun late 2016 which will buck up his morale. Then 2017/18 he has the upbeat, confident tr Pluto trine his Sun/Jupiter midpoint and the lucky-break tr Uranus opposing his Jupiter/Pluto midpoint from mid 2017 on.  It seems unlikely in the present climate that Sweden will let the investigation drop and his relationship chart with Sweden is immensely stressed this year.

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