John Travolta – handed a trickier hand of cards than most

Actor John Travolta has lost his wife Kelly Preston to breast cancer, as he lost his first love Diana Hyland to the same in 1977.  He does have a challenging and intensely emotional chart. His deeply buried 8th house Aquarius Sun is in opposition to Pluto giving him a strong need to be in control, stemming in part from his sense that his life is often not under control. With three planets, Sun, Venus and Mercury in the 8th he’ll often feel pulled around by forces he does not understand and in which he has no choice.

He also has a wide-ish Water Grand Trine in the water houses of a 12th house Uranus in Cancer trine his 8th house Mercury in Pisces trine a 4th house Saturn in Scorpio – so he swims in emotional affect finding it difficult, despite his Aquarius Sun, to get detachment and distance from what is going on in his life. He will live in his own bubble, at times divorced from reality.

That Grand Trine forms into a lucky kite with Mercury opposition a 2nd house Virgo Moon which will help him to focus his energy into work and money which will ground him. His Sun also trines a 4th house Neptune in Libra so he’ ll have had to sacrifice a fair amount for his family both in childhood and adult life. His 12th house high-tension and unpredictable 12th house Uranus opposes a Capricorn North Node and Chiron and squares onto his Neptune which will foster strange beliefs and a yearning for a spiritual connection which may be partly why he inclined towards Scientology.

His saving grace comes from an exuberantly flamboyant Mars in Sagittarius in the 5th house of entertainment and a light heartedly friendly Jupiter in Gemini in the 11th – both of which help to pull him away from his immensely deep feelings.

He also lost he and Kelly’s teenage son in 2009 who was epileptic and autistic.

His Black Moon Lilith (BML) in his 4th house of family is exactly conjunct Kelly’s Libra Sun which seems prescient. She also had an emphasised Neptune square her Saturn which opposes her Mars – and  was always a committed Scientologist.  That’s somewhat similar to Tom Cruise born three months earlier in 1962 who also has a focal point Neptune in Scorpio.

Travolta has said he is more familiar with death than most so will cope though he’s taking time out to grieve. He will get a boost from his Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct his Pluto in late 2021, but there’ll be a fair amount of emotional turmoil before then with tr Uranus opposing his 4th house Saturn and tr Pluto square his Neptune and conjunct his Chiron next year.

6 thoughts on “John Travolta – handed a trickier hand of cards than most

  1. BML seems crop up so frequently in the synastry of close relationships. Travolta’s Lilith is conjunct Preston’s Sun Lilith conjunction in Libra.

  2. I also wonder whether there is anything in Kelly’s chart that might indicate breast cancer (not necessarily for the person herself).
    my sister-in-law was born the day before Kelly (also moon in Aries), and her mother died of the disease when she was young.
    Kelly lost her father when she was 3, to drowning, so there is also loss of a parent in childhood.

  3. Thank you, Marjorie. Saddened to hear this news.

    I’m interested in that BML and Chiron close to the angles, BML conjunct the IC and Chiron conjunct the North Node and the Descendant as well as the three personal planets in the 8th House. This is not unlike the astrology of Bob Geldof who lost three generations of women in his family, his own mother when he was 12, his partner, Paula Yates and tragically his daughter, Peaches. Unsurprisingly, Geldof also has three planets in the 8th – Venus, Mars and Pluto, plus, like JT he has BML as well as Chiron on the angles – Chiron rising, conjunct his ascendant in the 1st opposition BML conjunct his descendant. This further contributes to my feeling that BML and Chiron are connected with grief and loss and the fact that when these two are close to the angles, their energies will play a crucial part in the life of the native.

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