Joe Jackson – a monstrous stage father



Joe Jackson has died, aged 89, renowned for shaping and promotion of the Jackson 5, comprising his sons Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon and Michael, and later Randy who were a phenomenon in the late 1960s and 70s. But also known for his cruelty in beating his children and he was described by Alex Petridis as ‘one of the most monstrous fathers in pop.’ Michael later said he was so frightened of his father he’d sometimes vomit when he saw him and eventually fired him as manager.

Born 26 July 1929 in Arkansas, Joe Jackson was a showbizzy Sun Venus in Leo square Jupiter in indulgent Taurus; with a stubbornly possessive and materialistic Mars in Taurus perhaps opposition a Scorpio Moon squaring onto Neptune. Very intense and unyielding. His Sun, Saturn and Pluto all aspected Mars midpoints – an angry man.

He was father to 11 children, including Janet and LaToya Jackson.

Michael Jackson’s chart, 29 August 1958 Gary, Indiana on the time I have of 11.43pm would put a Sun Pluto conjunction in his 4th which is a doubly controlling father, perhaps leading Michael in his adult life to demand total control of his own domestic life, with tragic results. Like his father he had Mars in Taurus and Saturn in self-righteous Sagittarius.

Janet Jackson also has Mars in Taurus conjunct her Sun, opposition Neptune, sextile Saturn and trine Uranus Pluto – so her experience of him would be scary. Even worse LaToya Jackson has Mars in Aquarius opposition Jupiter Pluto square Saturn in Scorpio, inconjunct Neptune which is a monstrously pushy and cruel father.

Michael’s relationship chart with his father had a central Pluto dominating the composite Sun, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter in a conjunction; with the composite Mars square the Sun and probably trine the Moon – so all anger and control.

3 thoughts on “Joe Jackson – a monstrous stage father

  1. I read a Janet biog years ago, and I came away feeling that if a quarter of what was in it was true, LaToya was treated the worst. Michael was the most sensitive, but LaToya was essentially discarded. Her early life and appearance today speak volumes.

  2. Thank you, Marjorie. Michael’s body dysmorphic disorder (which I believe played a part in his reclusive lifestyle) appears to have it’s origins in childhood, with his father telling him he was ugly and had a flat, fat nose. It’s utterly heartbreaking when you see how beautiful Michael was as a child. Btw, Jermaine Jackson (born 1954) has a Sagittarian Sun square Mars in Pisces with Mars in opposition to Pluto in the final degrees of Leo, and a Scorpio Saturn square Moon, so very similar paternal themes of cruelty and control and a loveless, restrictive home life.

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