Jo Johnson – limits of family loyalty ++ sister

Jo Johnson, brother of Boris, has resigned as a Minister and says he won’t stand for re-election as an MP, with a thinly veiled attack on Boris’s leadership, saying the tension between national interest and family loyalty was unresolvable. He was always known as pro-European, having come up through investment banking and then economic journalism on the Financial Times.

Although much lower key than his flamboyant brother, he has had a solid career. After a First in Modern History from Oxford, he moved into Deutsche Bank and thereafter rose to starry heights at the FT and has written several books.

He was born 23 December 1971 in London and has an ambitious Capricorn Sun on the focal point of a T Square to Mars in Pisces opposition Pluto, so not short on determination. He’s also got a cool, emotionally detached Air Grand Trine of Saturn in Gemini trine Pluto trine Venus, formed into two talented Kites with Saturn in a creative and idealistic opposition to Neptune and the do-or-die Mars opposition Pluto.

He’s not a good fit with Boris since Jo’s Saturn is conjunct Boris’s afflicted Mars in Gemini with Jo’s Neptune opposition; and Jo’s Mars is in an argumentative square to Boris’s Sun Venus. There’s real dislike in there.

Their relationship chart has a differing-agenda and needs-space composite Sun opposition Uranus; a cool Venus Saturn; and a ratchety Mars inconjunct Uranus; plus an intense Mercury Pluto which will lead to aggravated discussions between then.

Both boys’ charts describe a truly difficult father and Stanley, 18 August 1940, is a bombastic Sun Mars in Leo square Uranus in Taurus; with Jupiter Saturn in Taurus; and Mercury Pluto in Leo – so unbudgeably Fixed.

Sister Rachel, 3 September 1965, gets on better with Boris since her Jupiter is conjunct his Sun Venus. Though she’s just as whirlwind and harum-scarum as he is with a Virgo Sun conjunct Uranus Pluto opposition Saturn with a Sagittarius Moon and a Gemini North Node. What an odd family – three out of the four children wildly Mutable and all over the place and a stick-in-the-mud father who couldn’t be more fixed.

Pic: Chris McAndrew

4 thoughts on “Jo Johnson – limits of family loyalty ++ sister

  1. Found two articles on Stanley. Explains a lot.

    I did not know that Boris was deaf as a child. But I see there is a Mercury, Pluto, Chiron t-square in Boris’ chart (Chiron is in the 6th house). I think I have heard that aspects to Pluto & Chiron in a chart can sometimes indicate disability/ serious health issues.

  2. Boris’ and Jo’s sister, Rachel, also tweeted today to correct a story published where they claimed she’d said family dinners had gotten heated over Brexit telling that they avoided the subject all together in order to not “gang on PM”. Rachel is an September 3rd (1965) Virgo, and I suspect a much better match to Jo’s chart, even if she is closer to Boris in age.

  3. I have always thought Stanley is at the root of many the personality ‘issues’ that Boris has. Especially that insane, out-of-control competitiveness & rage depicted by the Mars, Saturn, Uranus (Pluto) t-square in Boris’ chart. Boris’ solar return for 2019/2020 is pretty dire – Saturn, Pluto, Moon in the 10th opposing Mercury, Mars in the 4th house, Uranus conjunct the Ascendent.

    • ‘As a child he moved house 32 times across two continents over 14 years as his father Stanley pursued a wide-ranging career. Until the age of eight Boris was severely deaf with glue ear and was a subdued child. His mother encouraged him to be arty but Stanley inculcated an uber-competitive streak in his family. Winning was the priority, whether running fastest, jumping highest or having the blondest hair, leading the young Al (= Boris) to set his sights on becoming “world king”. Unable to cope with the constant moves and Stanley’s womanising, Charlotte suffered a severe breakdown when the family went to Brussels. Her absence in hospital led to the Johnson brood having to learn how to fend for themselves.’

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