JFK Files – questions still linger





The remaining JFK assassination files, may be released this Thursday as Trump seeks to brew up another publicity storm to distract from his various mishaps, mis-speaks and failures. How much of interest will come if they are opened to public view is questionable though the CIA’s handling of the investigation may come under renewed scrutiny.

JFK was shot in Dallas at 12.45pm on 22 November 1963 when the worrisome Neptune in Scorpio square Saturn Moon in Aquarius was in place, which would give rise not just to great confusion and uncertainty but also paranoia; and so the conspiracy theories followed. Mercury was square Pluto Uranus, which is also prone to a fevered imagination, intense disagreements and wild conjectures.

At that moment tr Saturn was conjunct the USA Moon (nearly exact for the USA Gemini Rising 2.17am chart); and was opposition the Sun/Neptune and Mars/Saturn midpoints. The first of these would exacerbate the panic, the second is often around for deaths and mourning. On the 11am USA chart, the Solar Arc Neptune was conjunct the Descendant and square the midheaven, so equally relevant; and tr Uranus Pluto was moving through the 12th to make for a psychologically unsettled phase.

JFK, 29 May 1917 3pm Brookline, Massachusetts, had Saturn Neptune conjunct his midheaven in the 10th. The other meaning of Saturn Neptune is the urge for a fairer society. He didn’t have an easy chart with Mars Mercury Jupiter in Taurus and his Gemini Sun in the 8th – so his family legacy would weigh heavily on him; he would have the unconscious ability to project a powerful image; and he’d be driven by inner demons he never understood. Relocating his chart to Dallas puts Pluto on his midheaven, which is generally seen as a high-risk location.

When JFK was killed, his Solar Arc was within half a degree of being conjunct his Pluto, with tr Pluto opposition his Mars/Node midpoint and tr Saturn within a degree of being square his Mars – all of which are high-risk. Tr Uranus was conjunct his Solar Arc MC and his Solar Arc Sun was conjunct his MC. It isn’t always this clear but the aspects do certainly indicate a significant accident and sharp change in the direction of life.



5 thoughts on “JFK Files – questions still linger

  1. Good morning Marjorie!
    I see that the Saudi Crown Prince (who you have covered before so not asking re him) announced yesterday-23 October
    as part of Saudi Arabia’s Vision for 2030, a new City to be developed at cost of $500 Billion called NEOM connecting
    to Egypt and Jordan with plans to produce 50% of the World’s Solar energy.
    Is this another incidence of Jupiter in Scorpio making its mark? And/or connected to Pluto in Capricorn and
    Saudi Arabia’s Natal Chart?
    Thank you if you look into

    • Henry, that is fascinating. To me, it sounds very Pluto in Aquarius. A major city run by solar power will take years to reach fruition, which will bring this aspect into fruition. Can’t wait to see what Marjorie says about it.

  2. We already know there were multiple shooters involved. Not to be oblique about it, any well-funded org would ensure total success with sufficient “resources”. You do raise a point: how much more excitement can come from blacked out/redacted documents?

    But a fundamental question remains: Whodunnit? Certainly not Oswald with his cranky Italian rifle.

    Maybe we’ll finally learn who the old woman wearing the babushka is.

    • larryc, Uri Geller is in the mix now. He said he was contacted by the CIA to use his psychic powers to find out who was behind the JFK assassination, and that he presented his “shocking” findings to Jackie personally, and that they also kept up a correspondence for awhile. Uri said it was not the FBI or the Mafia or LBJ. However, unless he is mentioned in the papers released by the archives, he will not reveal his conclusion. If he is mentioned, he will tell all.

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