Jennifer Lopez hustling up a storm of praise

Jennifer Lopez is roaring back onto top acting form with a knock-out performance in Hustlers as the queen of a New York strip club frequented by stock traders flashing the cash. It’s based on a real-life gang of exotic dancers who fleeced the Wall Street clients who had wronged them after the financial collapse. Reviews have been enthusiastic with thoughts of a possible Oscar nomination for her performance.

Born 24 July 1969 in New York with an unverified time of 1pm, she’s an entertaining Sun Mercury in Leo in a feisty trine to Mars in Sagittarius, sextiling onto an adventurous and lucky Jupiter Uranus in Libra. Her Sun Mercury are also in a serious square to Saturn in Taurus. Her Moon is Scorpio/Sagittarius and possibly conjunct Neptune and/or Mars. Her Venus in light-hearted Gemini squares onto an intense and seductive Pluto.

She is an extraordinarily successful singer, regarded as the most influential Latin performer in the USA.

Her love life has been complicated and fast moving with three relatively short marriages and high-profile liaisons with Ben Affleck amongst others. Her current fiancée former NY Yankees baseball player Alex Rodriguez is due to walk her up the aisle soon. If her birth time is accurate then her Uranus Jupiter are conjunct her Sun/Moon midpoint, the marriage significator, so no surprises she moves on fairly quickly and her commitment levels tend to be easily disrupted.

Rodriguez, 27 July 1975, is also a Sun Leo trine Neptune in Sagittarius and sextile Pluto – he’s not short of ambition. He’s also got a lucky, adventurous Uranus opposition Jupiter in Aries. They are relatively similar which isn’t always a good thing when both have attention-grabbing Leo Suns. But their relationship chart has an affectionate composite Sun, Mercury Venus conjunction trine Neptune and sextile Pluto which will stand them in good stead. But there’s also Saturn trine Uranus widely trine Mars so there will be rough edges. He’s also had a fairly tumultuous romantic life with multiple changes.

There’ll be a few dips before the end of this year between them and a few more next as tr Neptune squares the composite Saturn and tr Saturn opposes the Venus and then Mercury and Sun. High pressure marriages between showbiz and sport superstars face more problems than most.

One thought on “Jennifer Lopez hustling up a storm of praise

  1. I always cynically thought that A Rod and JLo wouldn’t work out. But that upcoming tr Saturn opposing the comp Venus, Merc and then Sun – sounds particularly gruelling.

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