Jeffrey Epstein – facing justice, finally

Wealthy paedophile Jeffrey Epstein has been arrested for allegedly sex trafficking dozens of minors in New York and Florida between 2002 and 2005, and will appear in court in New York on Monday, according to law enforcement sources. The arrest by the FBI-NYPD Crimes Against Children Task Force comes 12 years after he got a slap on the wrist for allegedly molesting dozens of underage girls in Florida – a plea deal agreed by Alexander Acosta, Trump’s secretary of labor. For more than a decade, Epstein’s alleged abuse of minors has been the subject of lawsuits brought by victims, investigations by local and federal authorities, and exposés in the press. See previous posts for full details: March 7 2019 and November 30 2018.

Epstein, 20 January 1953 does have the catastrophic and scary/trapped Solar Arc Mars square his Pluto exactly now. Plus he has a panicky, undermining tr Neptune conjunct his Venus Mars in Pisces, running since last year as pressure built with a Miami Herald expose and repeating later this year. The Cancer Eclipse this week was conjunct his Uranus for a jolt and he also has the mentally pressured and confused tr Pluto conjunct his Mercury and square his Neptune, which latter trails through next year and then moves on to the even more worrisome (for him) and depressing square to the Saturn/Neptune midpoint and then Saturn running ahead for several years.

Finally, he gets his comeuppance.

Be interesting to see who of those mentioned as associated will be dragged in as well – Ghislaine Maxwell, Alan Dershowitz, Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, Donald Trump have all been mentioned and all hotly deny any allegations. See previous post.

32 thoughts on “Jeffrey Epstein – facing justice, finally

  1. Escaped, perhaps? Do any transits suggest this? Many powerful people wanted him dead, and he has enough money to perhaps buy his way out so he doesn’t testify

  2. It’s reported Epstein committed suicide. So it ends for him, although I wonder if investigations into the others involved will continue now.

  3. As an addendum: The CORRECT solar arc for Mr. Epstein’s DOB has SA-directed Mars making an exact square to his natal Pluto on or around June 27, 2019. This was just days away from his arrest. During the coming year SA-directed Pluto will also make a square to his natal Sun.

    Jeffrey Epstein is a broken man: Will he ever be able to feel remorse for his crimes and find redemption before he dies? What he has done to his victims is appalling and so heartbreaking. May justice prevail for him and his accomplices for these horrendous crimes committed against innocent children.

  4. Oh, Please:
    How can you have a proper solar arc chart without an accurate time of birth? As someone who has studied and used cosmobiology for nearly 50 years, I think that you are reaching by using a Mars transit that is four months old according to your random guess for Mr. Epstein’s time of birth.

    You completely ignored the ongoing transit of Uranus square to his natal Sun which began to strongly influence him in May of 2018, and which continued to crucially plague him until March of 2019.

    What about the transit of Saturn opposite his Uranus that will be occurring tomorrow (July 27, 2019)? He has been dealing with that bear since February 2019 and he will have to wrestle with it until November 2019. His personal freedom has certainly been curtailed – don’t you think? Do you find it at all interesting that his most arrest and incarceration occurred during the transit of Jupiter square to his Venus and Mars? This little Jupiter-transit dance commenced in his natal chart in January 2019.

    Yes, that forming conjunction of Pluto to his Mercury is definitely a huge factor at this juncture. It is just a few weeks and well-under a half of degree from being exact. This should be very worrying for the staff at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in NYC where Mr. Epstein is currently on a suicide watch. As the late Howard Sasportas pointed out: “Sometimes a Pluto transit to Mercury (especially the conjunction, square, or opposition) manifests in the form of depression.” As despicable and inexcusable as Mr. Epstein’s behavior has been, he is still a human being.

    At this time, I would personally be very reluctant to give any weight to a transit of a separating square of Pluto to Mr. Epstein’s natal Mercury. That heavy shoe will certainly drop in the future; however, a separating arc of of over two degrees and widening seems to me to be making something out of something that is not actually happening. Working with tight arcs and observing the results bears the best fruit of knowledge. Fifty years of astrological experience has taught me this lesson.

    Finally and critically, transiting Saturn will conjoin Mr. Epstein’s natal Mercury in late December 2019, and then go on to square his natal Neptune in January 2020 and his natal Saturn in February 2020. As I already mentioned, the staff at MCC, NYC need to be very vigilant when it comes to Mr. Epstein’s mental health.

  5. Interesting… as with Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein’s chart also takes a hit with the 26 Dec 2019 eclipse—it tightly conjuncts his SA Saturn at 3 Capricorn and squares his SA MC at 4 Aries.

  6. Of note: William Barr’s father hired Epstein in the early 1970s as a mathematics teacher, so there’s a conflict of interest if Trump tries to use Barr to make any investigation into him go away.

  7. Finally indeed. I hope full justice is brought against him and all those involved. Many of those who associated themselves with this monster are parents of daughters themselves, there are just no words.

    Interesting timing on the mundane level too; tr Mercury stationing exactly on tr Mars, squared by breakthrough Uranus and both deposited by the Sun in protective Cancer opposing Saturn/Pluto. Zeus sent Hermes to teach the world the value and knowledge of justice, among other things. That in addition to the eclipse. Epstein was already on thin ice at the natal level with tr Neptune on the Venus/Mars, just needed a trigger I guess, finally and thankfully it came along.

  8. Transits and aspects that can bring feelings of being ‘scared, trapped, panicky,’etc. I hope to God he is going through the anxiety mill. I’m sick to death of psychopaths, narcissists, perverts and predators who bring nothing but fear and misery to people and get away with it. I really hope the chickens are coming home to roost for these sick, twisted elitist abusers and they will be laughing on the other side of their faces. But money talks massively because it brings with it rank pulling from the well connected.

    • Well, if (when?) he heads to the slammer, he’ll have all the best picks of the “girls” there, going by the likes of “Billy” and “Ramone”.

        • In prison, it’s known that child molesters are not taken kindly to by the general population. Eventually, someone gets to them. Look at what happened to Jeffrey Dahmer…tho he was an extreme example.

          • Plus bizarrely, if Epstein was murdered, his killer would be deemed a hero by the masses regardless of the jailbird’s crimes and would have some kind of fame attached by connection, making Epstein a very attractive target to be had. I would’nt be surprised if he was put into an isolation unit for protection.

  9. Thanks Marjorie – fascinating. I hope he does have to face up to what he’s done, and the way he’s chosen to live all these years. I suspect he is just one of many others who are currently below the radar. Others involved with him must be very nervous now, although doubtless they are being protected in various ways and the full truth may never come to light. I noticed that Prince Andrew, for instance, has just had his second Saturn return and is coming up for his Jupiter return, plus Neptune, planet of scandal, on his Mercury amongst other things. His hedonistic ancestor, Edward VII, also had Jupiter in Sagittarius and Saturn in Capricorn, and was involved in a scandalous divorce case in which he was called as a witness in 1870. In the end, nothing was proven against him.

  10. Two takeaways from this:

    1) SDNY does not play. They are tough, and probably the best in the World in tracking money movements. I’m personally grateful for them prosecuting a multi billion “bitcoin” pyramid scam that’s been mostly active in Asia and in Europe, but authorities here have not pursued the way they should. This is personal to me, because I have school friends and their parents I know who have “invested” in this scam, we’re talking about year worth of salary or even more, and still think will see millions in returns.

    2) A little remembered detail on The US politics: Many people, especially middleclass white women, were reluctant of voting for Hillary Clinton not because of how SHE had fared in politics, but because they would not have wanted to see Bill as First Gentleman. The fact she had “forgiven” Bill did not play well with certain voters. This caused a kind of reversed Roy Moore effect: Doug Jones carried Alabama not mainly because Black Caucus’ hard work, but because white ladies, who generally speaking have no issue voting for policies against their interests in healthcare or education, justly have an issue with sexual abusers and stayed home.

  11. The person I want to know more about is Ghislaine Maxwell. What was her motivation for procuring and training these girls for Epstein? She is attractive, from a prominent and wealthy family, and Oxford educated. Does Epstein know some dark secret about her? Or did she live vicariously through these girls, since she was too old to appeal to Jeffrey? Have you looked at Maxwell’s chart, Marjorie? And what about a chart comparing Maxwell and Epstein? I welcome any information that can shed light on Maxwell and what drove her.

    • Karen
      Epstein’s Island was a honey trap at the behest of Israeli Intelligence. Maxwell, like her late father, was an asset. Look also at Kincora Boys Home and others, in which UK Intelligence during the Irish Troubles suborned politicians, cops, newspaper editors, etc covertly recorded having sex with underage kids. Imagine the leverage over a future US president for example…

      • Karen what do you mean by Maxwell “lived vicariously” through these children that were raped and abused by Epstein? They were severely damaged by him.

        • I take it as meaning she was to old to appeal to Epstein, whom she was attracted, so in a twisted and perverted sense, procured the girls or parties for him or something, in which it put her in a place of him needing her in some capacity that could not be fulfilled sexually? Maybe.

          That aside, I keep coming across a lot of people online who have been waiting for this bombshell to drop for some time but for some peculiar reason seem to think all the perverts and predators in question are only left leaning liberal folk and democrats. Which is very odd and disturbing. Sexual abuse transcends left and right and of all races, colours, religions and political persuasions. So if it turns out that Trump and such may be implicated we can expect a lot of denying on their parts because they are already doing it now.

          These predatory predilections and sickening parties of the priveleged elite have been going on since the year dot. Perhaps we are finally moving into a time where the sewage is called out? But I believe a lot of shocking stories and name revealing are going to shake the foundations of our current reality first before we can move forward. And hopefully with a new ideaology.

          • David Koch, who has financed the Republicans for years, and Rupert Murdoch, who gave us Fox News, are on Epstein’s list. Along with Trump, Ivana, Ivanka and the boys.

            Bill and Hillary weren’t, but a White House aide was.

        • Patrick, I meant Jo’s interpretation. I know the girls were abused. I watched Virginia Robert’s interview and it is stomach-churning. Maxwell once dated Epstein, and she still seems to be in his thrall. Procuring these girls could be her sick way to be close to him. See Marjorie’s post about Maxwell and a comparison of her and Epstein’s charts.

    • Interesting? 😉

      Kings could “remove” their troublesome sons…but a queen?

      That the Clintons and Trump were allegedly involved doesn;t surprise.

      • There were rumors spreading in The Brittish Press about Andrew and Sarah getting back together last week, which I found odd for timing. If anything would get them together, I would have suspected it happening shortly after their daughter’s wedding, because clearly being involved in organizing the event would have required being together.

        As of now, I suspect Sarah has known, fully well, what her ex has been upto for decades, and has had some sortnof a hush agreement, as well.

    • From the BBC…a little lean on details.


      Jeffrey Epstein: US financier ‘charged with sex trafficking’

  12. I think we’re about to find out why Comey *contributing* to upending Hillary’s chances in 2016 was actually a good thing for Democrats in hindsight(the long game). Whether he strategically did it due to things he knew or accidentally is curious but moot. I firmly believe that she would have been a one term President if the GOP got the chance to go full on attack mode given her and Bill’s scandal plagued baggage(would pale in comparison to the Benghazi debacle). So Trump may have indirectly actually afforded the Democrats a chance to select a far better candidate with higher perceived integrity and character to oust Trump and secure another 2 term Democrat Presidency. The chess game of Life!

    • I think this shift would have happened anyway, with #metoo going viral. You already saw that at Midterms 2018, with Democrats taking a landslide victory due to naming younger, more diverse candidates.

  13. Hi Marjorie
    Last para is intriguing. I suspect he got off very lightly last time because of the big names in his black book. He will undoubtedly have some very compelling stories to tell, video footage too perhaps, if push comes to shove this time. Bill C reportedly visit his paedophilic island 26 times, on some occasions without his secret service detail. Wonder why? Hillary was also a visitor….

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