Jared Kushner ‘s woes and the Saudi alliance



More complications for Jared Kushner, now minus his security clearance. To add to his stupendous property debt problem, there are questions over half billion dollar loans obtained in 2017; and now allegations that he leaked classified info to Saudi Crown Prince Bin Salman (MBS) about Saudi leaders disloyal to him, just before he imprisoned 200 high-flyers in the Riyadh Ritz Hotel. All hotly denied from the Kushner end.

But there’s no doubt that Kushner and MbS became tight, with Trump/Kushner supporting the blockade of Qatar against the advice of the Pentagon which oversees a large US military base there. Trump’s obsession with overturning-all-things Obama is focussed on unstitching the Iran deal, which gets MbS firmly on his side, since he’s jockeying to become the supreme power in the Middle East. The enemy of my enemy may be my friend today but in the Middle East’s shifting sands alliances rarely  stay the same for long.

The Kushner/MbS relationship chart has an ‘adventurous’ composite Jupiter Uranus conjunction; plus a competitive Sun Mars. It looks de-stabilised in April, more so in June. Though that may well be Kushner shuffling back to NY.

The Trump/MbS relationship chart looks equally in for a few surprises from late April, peaking in May with tr Uranus square the composite Mercury, Venus, Sun; with some nerve-stretching moments from now onwards through April and later into 2019.

Kushner is facing a run of highly insecure, panicky, loss-making and downright catastrophic influences, especially late April and May. And those will run and run till late 2019, along with tr Pluto conjunct his Capricorn Sun.

Kushner does have a notable 10th Harmonic which is the self-defeating one.

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