Jared Kushner – an unfortunate friendship



Jared Kushner is on the hook over his friendship with Mohammed bin Salman. No one, even in Saudi Arabia, believes the killing of Jamal Khashoggi could have been carried out by rogue operatives. MbS is the only player in town since he harnessed all power to himself so the buck stops at his desk. Now that it has escalated to an international crisis with Turkey playing up the tension and outrage for their own ends, it has left the young Saudi Crown Prince a tarnished figure.

Kushner was always in for a poleaxing two years through 2018/19 with tr Pluto conjunct his Capricorn Sun. Since his Sun is square Pluto it is forcing change on someone who hates not being in control. He looks on edge at the moment suffering from shock; further deflated in November and his enthusiasm dampened through December. Where he sinks to an even lower ebb is in March 2019 with tr Neptune square his Mars/Pluto midpoint which is fairly catastrophic and that repeats later in 2019 as well. And he’s heading for a major reversal in 2020 with his Solar Arc Uranus square his Saturn.

What was interesting about him was his relationship chart with Trump which has an exact Yod of Pluto sextile Mars (Neptune) inconjunct Mercury – suggesting a link that would irrevocably change the lives of both for good or ill.

Relations with pa-in-law will be chilly after the midterms; more so in January and two legs of the composite Yod are being undermined and blocked in 2019.

Jared’s relationship with Ivanka is suffering badly with disappointments looming large from late this month till late December; and running on resentment through 2019/2020. Their wedding chart 25 October 2009 is sitting on a tinderbox through 2019 as well; and moving through forced and high-tension changes.

16 thoughts on “Jared Kushner – an unfortunate friendship

  1. Transiting Saturn in Capricorn will be stationary over his natal Sun at 20 degrees late spring and early summer, returning later in the year. It will also be affecting his Pluto in Libra. I can see next year as being a major testing point for him. At the very least, it will be a low energy period for him where he’s forced to take a more low key role. His high flying aspects of 2016-17 are certainly behind him now. I can imagine that a Democratic Congress will lead to more investigations into Kushner’s various business relationships.

  2. For some reason, perhaps none other than looking at unrelated links between seemingly unrelelated events, I’m drawn to the start of WW1 and the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Sophie . Both are shot to death by an 18-yr old Bosnian Serb nationalist during an official visit to the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo. In a dark sense, I’m left feeling that Papa Trump actually wants to spark a war with Mexico – his hatred and disdain in that direction are remarkable.

    With enough logic, I can yet prove that pigs have wings 😉 But history repeats its lessons frequently enough that the patterns are usually ignored.

    I’ve been looking at pre-war propoganda poster leading to WW1 and WW2. Patterns are clear: demonize the “enemy”, inflate the home-team superiority vis-a-vis uber-feminine and ultra-masculine archetypes. Nothing better than the white of wind-driven ethnic purity. There’s a sense of morbid humor to it all.

    When will the Trump nationalist armbands go on sale? (head shaking)

    • It was a ludicrously obscure incident which led to the deaths of over 10 million in WW1. Butterfly wings and chaos follows. Trump has all of Bannon’s wild over excitability about conflict and war – with neither having been near a battlefield.
      ‘War is wretched beyond description, and only a fool or a fraud could sentimentalize its cruel reality.’ John McCain

    • Larryc, if the Great Pumpkin starts a war with Mexico, US troops would be up against 60 million Hispanics who live in the US, and, 123 million Mexicans. Two weeks tops before California, the Southwest, and lower Texas belong to Mexico again. Another week and they have a wall built to keep us out.

  3. Khashoggi’s remains were found at the Saudi Consul general’s garden in Istanbul. The UK Mirror says at the bottom of a well in the garden, Reuters just says in the garden. He was in pieces, with his face disfigured.

    May he rest in eternal peace.

  4. Having a ‘close working relationship ‘ with the Saudi Royal family is probably not the thing to be owning up to at the moment. That said there is more than a tad of hypocrisy about the horror now being expressed about Khashoggis abduction and murder in the west. Even a cursory examination of the historical records shows that the Saudi government has been engaged in this sort of activity since at least 1979 when APPU leader Nasir Al Said was kidnapped in Beirut and almost certainly killed by Saudi agents. Most of these atrocities merited not even a peep of protest from western governments at the time they occurred. Kushners bad luck is to be seen taking the Saudi money when political tensions both in the Middle East and the US are at their most intense. Crimes which in the past were ignored or glossed over are now coming to light. In the big scheme of things a reordering of global power relationships is clearly beginning as the 2020 Pluto Saturn synod approaches. Kushner looks to be no more than a bit player in these events, more sap than star player.

    • You may be correct in that the Saudi’s have gotten away with enough atrocities over far too many years. But in everyone’s life and every country’s life, there will be a straw that breaks the camel’s back. I don’t need to look at the historical evils that the Saudi’s have been up to…I am just hopeful that out of the murder of Khashoggis, an event so glaringly evil, we cannot help but focus on it, and to that end, maybe a start in destroying this evil regime.

      And speaking of the straw breaking the camel’s back, so be it if Kushner were to go down for taking money from the Saudi’s. He just reeks of pure evil, imho.

      • Agreed Hugh but it is always fascinating how one small (!) incident catches the world’s attention when hundreds of thousands are at risk in the Yemen etc. And Erdogan’s motives are hardly pure either. But there is something quite fated about the whole shebang.

        • I agree with Marjorie here. I actually do believe in karma. And I don’t think MbS will last, at this point. Saudi Court is real life GOT. MbS played Queen Cersei’s role. He will be taken out by some of the remaining older and more connected princes.They may be even more conservative, but less flashy.

    • Hugh, The Internet is responsible for the heightened interest by the West in world events now.

      In 1979, my small town newspaper wouldn’t have covered the Al Said murder, probably wouldn’t even have known about it. In 2018, everything is on the Web, with audio and video. The horror people feel is real.

      I’m proud of the world uniting in condemnation of the Khashoggi murder. This massive pressure may produce consequences for Saudi Arabia. I hope it is a turning point for all governments and all sanctioned atrocities.

      I want to thank you for your astrological insights, which help us be forewarned. With Pluto spinning slowly through the last decan of Capricorn, dogs are having their day. But when Pluto heads into innovative Aquarius, “instant karma” may become a reality.

  5. He looks so feminine to me. And he registered to vote twice as a woman. Anyone picking up any strange aspects in that direction? Maybe it’s just botox and facial peels, lol.

      • As someone close to a (truly) young person with Capricorn Sun/Pisces Moon, I have to say Jared doesn’t represent, in any way. I guess the keys to remarkable maturity of “our” Capricorn Sun/Pisces Moon are in early childhood experiences and Scorpio elements on chart. My Caprcorn Sun/Pisces Moon is extremely service oriented with the Moon falling to 4th house. I know our young person will keep on making us all proud as someone who gives back to community every day.

      • Perfect! J Edgar Hoover came to mind when you noted the Pisces Moon. Hoover and Kushner: Moon in Pisces, Capricorn Sun and Mercury, Scorpio Uranus. Hoover had the Sun exactly conjunct the acendant. (Astrodine)

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