Emperor Akihito of Japan has abdicated for age and health reasons, handing over to his son Prince Naruhito. Akihito took over in 1989 and did much to humanise the Royal Family, which he once described as ‘robots’; and to heal the wounds of World War 11 damage.
Born 23 December 1933 6.39am Tokyo, he was well-suited to a life of pomp and show with an emphasised 10th house Jupiter bringing him increasing respect the older he became, in square to an ultra-determined, courageous Mars opposition Pluto – and all tied into a Cardinal Grand Cross with Uranus. He wasn’t short of initiative and was good at handling crises.
His son Prince Naruhito, 23 February 1960 4.15 am (four days after Prince Andrew) is cut from a different cloth to his father, with a dependent 7th house Pisces Sun opposition Pluto; though he does have an emphasised sociable Jupiter in the 5th which along with his 7th house Sun will give him a way with people. He has a rebellious Uranus on his Ascendant so he will want to carve out his own path, not easy in the Chrysanthemum Court where old-style courtiers hold a good deal of power.
If the start time for Japan is right at 10.44 am his enthusiastic Venus Mars in Aquarius is conjunct the country’s midheaven which augurs well. Though his Uranus is conjunct the Japan 4th house Saturn will run some of his reforms up against a rigid status quo.
His wife Princess Masako, 9 December 1963, before her marriage an independent career woman, has already suffered a good deal in the highly restrictive royal cage with additional pressures from not having produced a male heir, leading to depressive problems which pulled her into seclusion for some years.
She’s a Sun Sagittarius square Uranus Pluto in Virgo so will be prone to feeling trapped and reacting unpredictably. She’ll be in better spirits once tr Neptune moves off the square to her Sun by late year and has already said she feels insecure about her future role. Her relationship chart with her husband has an affectionate composite Sun Venus conjunction but is under considerable pressure for the next four years.
Prince Naruhito who will be enthroned in October looks emotionally intense and slightly conflicted with his Progressed Moon moving through his 8th for another two years so he will feel the weight of the responsibility while not always being sure it’s what he wants. Tr Uranus cross his Midheaven in 2021/22 for a sharp change of direction in his life.
Astrologically wise. Princess Aiko, Prince Akishino and Prince Hisahito. How does it all play out in the next years to come for the Chysanthenum Dynasty.