Ivanka Trump – a dynastic succession?

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Ivanka Trump is to get her own West Wing office as an adviser to her father, and security clearance to receive government communications. Since the election, she has sat in meetings with world leaders, including Justin Trudeau and Angela Merkel. It is unofficial and unprecedented, raising questions  about the multiple ethics sinkholes, the almost-vacant First Lady White House position and the possibility she’s being groomed for the 2020 election.

It sounds too far-fetched to be true. But, but – by 2020 and across into 2021 she has tr Pluto Jupiter in Capricorn square her Jupiter Pluto conjunction in Libra; with tr Pluto on her Jupiter rolling across the Inauguration – somewhat similar to the super-confident influences that brought Trump senior into unexpected elevation. So not beyond the bounds of possibility.

This year from early April she has tr Uranus opposition her Jupiter Pluto which is a lucky break, a sudden opportunity and a huge lifestyle change. That rolls on and off into 2018. There’ll be a major crisis for her this May, from tr Uranus opposition her Sun/Saturn midpoint at a time when that shows up on quite a few of the Trump and international relations charts, and that influence returns on and off into 2018. She’ll be downhearted when tr Saturn is conjunct her Neptune Venus late June/July and October when tr Saturn is in hard aspect to Trump senior’s Sun Moon.

It won’t all be plain sailing since tr Neptune will make an undermining square to her Solar Arc Sun this year and possibly into next; and in the run up to 2020; with a damaging-setback Solar Arc Mars conjunct her Saturn in 2018/19. In 2019 as well tr Uranus will oppose her Scorpio Sun.

Her husband Jared Kushner will be right in the middle of the triple conjunction in Capricorn of 2019/2020 with his late Capricorn Sun Mercury; but tr Neptune will conjunct his Solar Arc Mars around the election which looks panicky and undermined.

Ivanka’s relationship with Melania, not great at the best of times with a composite Mars Saturn, is under considerable strain in 2017/18. I wonder if Melania will ever move to the White House?

Ivanka’s relationship chart with her father is mystifying, given that they are supposedly close. There’s an argumentative composite Sun Mercury Mars, which is firmly clamped down by Saturn in conjunction to all three; with Saturn conjunct Uranus and Uranus conjunct Pluto – all of that looks explosive, unstable, breeding resentment in the one who is being suppressed, and will be constantly in flux. The composite Moon will be square Pluto, making the bond between them possessive; and is possibly square Uranus as well – so constantly pushing and pulling. Hardly a nurturing relationship.

Tr Uranus will trine the composite Mercury, Sun, Mars in 2018 which will be insecure, edgy, irritable; and trine Saturn Uranus in 2019 for major changes – with tr Pluto square the composite Jupiter in 2018/19 which will be a struggle for the upper hand.

15 thoughts on “Ivanka Trump – a dynastic succession?

  1. Useful background on Ivanka Trump and indeed the Trump tribe for their global business wheelings and dealings – and seeming inability to separate personal from presidential. They must think they’ve been handed the keys to the candy store.
    ‘Shortly after the election, Ivanka Trump drew criticism for participating in her father’s meeting with the Japanese prime minister while her own business was negotiating a licensing deal with a company owned by the Japanese government.’
    W.Post url: goo.gl/p5sj7B

  2. Am really disappointed when reading the comments on this website! It used to be all about astrology but seems to now be pure bitchiness and pure jealousy from people who don’t personally KNOW Ivanka Trump.You seem to think that if a person was born into a family with money that they know nothing about the real world. Those of you who do know astrology should look at natal charts and NOT immitate the very vile press who only write to sell papers.

    • Welcome to life, Joss, where people in a free world make up their own mind regarding an individual/event, both positive and negative. The assumptions are made on Donald’s behaviour and how it may have affected Ivanka’s upbringing and her capacity to run for presidency. I couldn’t care less if he or she was brought up on a trailer park – to now be in charge of a country and have international reach is going to be up for some pretty fiery discussion when it concerns the Trumps, whether you or I like it or not.

      YOU have made up your own mind about Ivanka that is FAVOURABLE, where some of us have made up our own that QUESTION her and her father. Who is right or wrong? It doesn’t matter. I don’t mind her so much – I think she’d do so much better away from him. I think she’s a very smart woman, not presidential smart, but business smart. But she’s also very controlled, by daddy and by herself.

      Please don’t ASSUME we all gorge on the ‘very vile press who only write to sell papers.’ You’re starting to sound like a Trump sheep bleeting the same rubbish that comes out of his own mouth. I would guess you too have retrieved your opinions from the same sources as the rest of us, yet like us, formed your own unique ideas about it? The best way to come up with an idea of the man and his daughter is from the words out of their own mouths during interviews, that way I can bypass the ‘vile news interpretations’. He comes across as a deeply vile, disturbing individual. She on the other hand, actually seems relatively normal, considering her ‘parent’, but there is no way his influence has NOT affected her at some level. Interesting that astrology can throw a little light on it all.

      If you’re really offended by the comments on here, you must be extremely precious, because words that have come out of Trump’s mouth (and his administration) have been ten thousand times more vile and aggressive. But, you probably don’t notice those, only the words posted on an astrology site. Perhaps if I drop Donald a tweet about the things he has said, he’ll rectify his god-awful behaviour and treat people with respect? Of course he won’t and I accept that because that’s him and that’s life.

  3. As Julie and Jo said, she has no clue about the real world. Plus, the Presidency comes with tens of millions of people who will give her no compliments, no respect, no honor. It’s like that for any President, no matter what party–the “other side” has plenty to beef about, relentlessly. The Trumps have very thin skin, and Princess Trump will have her cool demeanor tested on a daily basis. Her life has not prepared her for this. Heck, my life has not prepared me for this–another clueless Trump in charge of the nation’s destiny?

    • I suspect that crys’ message seems mroe probably. Work beside Daddy D so she can network internationally, in a way her branding alone could never begin to reach out.

      Jared…? Hmmm, jealousy?

      • Only reason I’m not on board with CEO Princess Trump is that she would have to take an elephant gun to Eric and Don Jr. No way are they handing this to her.

  4. I don’t believe that she’s being groomed for the WH.

    She’s being groomed for CEO of Trump, Inc.

    The reason she’s been in the meetings with her father is A.) to secure some international business dealings and B.) to keep her father under control who’s showing signs of dementia.

  5. Who would have thought that the chaotic, self-absorbed sensationalism of reality TV shows would have become the actual reality of the western world from 2016 and onwards? I swear to god I’m going to wake up at some point.

    I think Ivanka is just repeating the kind of relationship with her father that Donald had with his father? I don’t know the astrology between Hair-Flick and pop but, it’s clear he was (and still is) desperate for daddy’s approval. All his grandiose peacocking and vulgar materialism clearly reflects how small and tiny he must feel, which I’m sure his parents are the root cause (A man who is empty on the inside will decorate himself on the outside – a quote by Bruce Lee, which is often found on memes with Trump in ridiculous pose within his gold palace of tackiness). I think Ivanka and Donald also have the typical narcissistic parent/child relationship which is so enmeshed, that she is just an extention of his Jupiter sized ego (I would say the astrology would explain the emotional nature of a narcissistic relationship?). Away from his identity I think she would struggle to know who she really is? But, I think her desire to please him is so great, she keeps all that in check. Her being groomed for future presidency is more about him. Her potentially being the first female president would reflect his immense power and masculinity to the world. In his mind of course.

    As Julie said, in reality, she hasn’t got a clue how real people live. Or probably much care, though to give her a little credit, she appears more amiable and approachable than that god-awful sire of hers. Here’s hoping he gets impeached quick-sticks, and better yet, he actually goes to prison for his blatant criminal behaviour, along with his slime-ball administration. I just wish the media who are against him, in future would also hold other repellant political types accountable for their duplicitous behaviour. But, I fear not…

  6. Most enlightening re Ivanka. Thank you, Marjorie. I’m hoping that her major crisis in May will involve Daddy Don’s impeachment. She is so obviously in it for power and profit. Having lived in a golden bubble her entire life, Ivanka hasn’t a clue about the real world. She is utterly useless. Interesting about her edgy relationship with Melania, the absentee first lady. Ah well, no worries for Trump. It’s off to Mar-a-Lago for another weekend of golf, compliments of tax payers. What a circus.

  7. What a mess; both inside and out!! I wish I could relocate to Canada or the Netherlands. But I am sure they probably don’t want us there!

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