Ivanka Trump – a chip off the old block ** + Jared etc

Ivanka Trump is the US President’s favourite daughter, invited to high level diplomatic and economic meetings, said by him to be the most likely to follow in his political footsteps and would according to him have made a great head of the World Bank.  Beyond satire.

Born 30 October 1981 to Ivana Trump, wife number one, she attended Pennsylvania University, from which she graduated cum laude with a degree in economics. She worked for the Trump Organization and had her own jewellery and fashion line, which latter now appears defunct, though several Chinese trademarks have been associated with that business.

She is a Sun Scorpio sextile Mars in Virgo, so undoubtedly determined and hard-working. She has a super-confident Jupiter Pluto conjunction in Libra, conjunct Mercury and widely Saturn, so she’s quite a force to be reckoned with. She also has rather ethereal Venus Neptune in Sagittarius which gives a misleading impression of softness – she’s titanium-hard.

She’s certainly giving it all she’s got in 2020/2021 with tr Pluto square her Jupiter Pluto, which is similar to the influences that brought her father to prominence. Tr Uranus opposes her Sun from May 2020 onwards, off and on into 2021 which will bring considerable changes into her life. And tr Uranus is trine her Jupiter/Node from early July to late September 2020 over the nomination, repeating in April 2021.

She’s looking cheerful over the Inauguration with tr Pluto square her Jupiter Pluto and tr Jupiter in Aquarius square her Sun – though there are much less auspicious influences following – the Uranus Mars in Taurus square Saturn bouncing off her Sun for several. But she is definitely on a roll and in a lucky phase.

One of the astro-mysteries, well psychological mysteries to be truthful, is her relationship with her father – the composite chart has a truly horrible, aggravated Mercury, Sun, Mars, Saturn Uranus conjunction – and that is nasty, suggesting at one level emotional cruelty, with a Krakatoa’s worth of underground anger. She’ll need all her Scorpio secrecy and self-control to keep a lid on her real feelings.

Husband Jared, 10 January 1981, isn’t looking quite so geared up and confident as she is ahead. He has tr Pluto conjunct his Capricorn Sun till late this year and then square his Pluto in 2020/21 – so will be under fairly hefty pressures and challenges. He does have an insecure, jolting tr Uranus square his Mars in Aquarius in May/June 2020 and again across the election, which may spark off misjudgments and over-hasty reactions which backfire. He does have some lucky breaks in 2020 but he lacks her tr Pluto square Jupiter.

Their relationship chart which has a power-couple composite Jupiter Pluto, though that can turn into an internal power struggles as well, is under a damp cloud from tr Saturn square till early 2020; looks very much on edge with catastrophic crises mounting mid December through till February 2020. And very edgy during his tricky patches in May/June and November 2020.

Jared’s relationship with his father-in-law is very fated to start with, their composite chart containing an exact Yod of Mars sextile Pluto inconjunct Mercury, suggesting a connection that will change both lives irrevocably for good or ill. It’s under sombre influences with tr Saturn square the Mercury and Jupiter till late this year; and has ongoing dissolving Neptune transits late this year, especially in December across the New Year and right through off and on till after the 2021 Inauguration.

Just a mini note: Jared does not see eye top eye with Melania  – evasiveness and real dislike with humps and bumps later this year.

Final Trump thought for the week (I hope): Piers Morgan is a tabloid UK journalist, who used to be on USA TV, knew Trump of old and generally stands up for him at every opportunity. Born 30 March 1965 he’s a noisy though charming Sun Venus in Aries; with a volcanic Mars Uranus Pluto in Virgo opposition Saturn. It’s not the easiest of interfaces with Trump, though Morgan’s Sun Venus falling in Trump’s 8th does suggest a deep connection. What will make the difference is Morgan’s Jupiter in Taurus conjunct Trump’s Midheaven (and Algol) so it’ll suit both of them career-wise – Trump because he likes being liked and Morgan because he’s a screamer and a contrarian and it allows him to stand out from the crowd.

9 thoughts on “Ivanka Trump – a chip off the old block ** + Jared etc

  1. OK the lid is still on but on December 8, 2019, it may come off directly with the Pholus effect! Or on March 8th, 2020 before the next Venus retrograde in May 2020…

  2. Micheal Wolfe ‘s book inferred that Trump was having an affair in the white house. Everyone assumed it was
    the UN ambassador Hailey. In an interview with Wolfe on TV he said there was something “so incendiary” that he
    could not print it. My husband and I agreed what he meant was an incestuous relationship with Ivanka.
    There have been many rumors above and beyond Wolfe’s book of an odd “wife like ” relationship.
    Wolfe was content to let the rumors swirl about Hailey and increase book sales but he hinted at
    “the incendiary” The president s behavior in other instances suggest it is possible .
    Cruelty and family secrets seems to be in the chart.

  3. Very interesting. Thank you. I can definitely see the reinforced steel behind the sweet, lovely, ultra-feminine facade. The very thought of a Trump dynasty in the White House….omg….there are no words.

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