Indonesia Quake – Saturn driving the eclipses



At least 100 are dead and 10,000 have been evacuated on the Indonesian island of Lombok after a 6.9 quake on Sunday. It was far bigger than another quake that hit Lombok last week, killing 16.

The Indonesia 27 December 1949 9.22 am Jakarta chart has a Cardinal Grand Cross of a Capricorn Sun opposition Uranus square Mars opposition Moon, all in early degrees, so catching the tr Saturn hard aspects at the moment.

The July Solar Eclipse located to Lombok had Saturn on the IC. The late July Lunar Eclipse had Saturn exactly on the Descendant. And the upcoming Solar Eclipse of August 11th has Jupiter on the MC square Sun, Moon, Mercury conjunct the Descendant.  Usually planets on the chart axis indicate significant happenings with eclipses; and Jupiter oddly enough is often marked during disasters.

Saturn was also on the axis, conjunct the MC for Greece for the recent Lunar Eclipse which oversaw a series of wildfires costing many lives. Similarly Laos which suffered a deadly dam burst had Saturn was exactly conjunct the Descendant for the Lunar Eclipse.

There’s also the explosive, disruptive Mars opposition Node square Uranus around for all three eclipses, especially tied into the Lunar.


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