Indonesia – a Saturn in Cancer tragedy



The devastating 7.5 magnitude earthquake and tsunami that hit the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, has killed at least 832 people with fears the final death toll could be thousands. The Red Cross estimates that more than 1.6 million people have been affected which it described as a tragedy that “could get much worse”. The previous worst quake and tsunami with 100 foot waves in December 2004 was a 9.1 magnitude which killed nearly 230,000 along the Indian ocean coastline.

Indonesia, 17 August 1945 10 am Jakarta has tr Pluto squaring the 10th house Saturn and midheaven (and midpoints) now, which is significantly discouraging and creating major challenges. With the July Cancer Eclipse also conjunct both Saturn and MC. That Solar Eclipse located to Palu has Saturn conjunct the IC.

The 2004 quake had Pluto conjunct the Ascendant with the Libra Solar Eclipse in square to the Indonesia Saturn MC.

With tr Pluto continuing to make a hardship-square to the Indonesia Saturn till late this year and tr Neptune squaring the Mars Uranus in Gemini until late 2019, there could be a difficult and long-drawn out aftermath.

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