India elections – strongman Modi wins

Narendra Modi, India’s populist and nationalist PM has won what appears to be a landslide in the mammoth 900 million-voter elections. He took charge in 2014 with a reputation as a decisive, business-friendly leader and disciplined administrator, with promises to help reboot the economy with his vision of an urbanised, industrialised and modernised India and stamp out corruption. Results have been mixed with joblessness at a record high, farm incomes and industrial production down and many were hit hard by his misjudged currency ban.

  This election was fought with nationalist rhetoric, subtle religious polarisation and a slew of welfare programmes with national security highlighted as a vote-getter, promising to keep the Hindu-majority society safe from external and internal threats.

  He is a polarising figure, adored by many and thought of as divisive by others. There are doubts about his birth date and many Indian politicians evidently lie about their details to prevent astro-analyses of their progress. What doesn’t help is that both the maybe dates – 29 August 1949 and 17 September 1950 have Sun Saturn in Virgo conjunctions which fits his rather ascetic temperament and micro-managing approach.

His Prime Ministerial term chart is definite, 26 May 2014 6.13 pm Delhi, which has Regulus, the regal star, conjunct the midheaven and a lucky Jupiter prominent; though also has the destructive star Algol conjunct the Descendant and a rolling-crises Mars Uranus Pluto T square. But it would certainly have suggested a good run.

Rahul Gandhi, a key election rival, 19 June 1970 2.28 pm Delhi looks on better form come 2022/23 when tr Pluto will square his Jupiter though tr Pluto conjunct his midheaven at the same time can be career-damaging.

The India chart isn’t showing much this year though with underlying frustrations surfacing intermittently, which will become more obvious in 2020/21 with a discontented populace and perhaps anxiety about speculation and the markets from Solar Arc Moon conjunct the 5th house Neptune; and considerable pressures about a forced change of direction from tr Pluto square the Solar Arc midheaven in 2020/21.

The Reserve Bank of India chart, 1 April 1935 9am Delhi, looks heavily troubled between 2020 to 2022 with a cataclysmic series of Solar Arcs – Mars square Sun, then Uranus conjunct Pluto, then Pluto conjunct Mars. If the economy does continue spluttering downhill then Modi’s 2nd Term will see his popularity holed below the water line.

15 thoughts on “India elections – strongman Modi wins

  1. Dear Marjorie,
    Thanks for your posts revealing the astrological truths on various topics – it’s a treat to read the details and often a big help in understanding transits in one’s own personal life without losing sanity.

    Need to ask you about what is in store for India, especially rahul gandhi who has been raising his voice for democratic issues in India. In this forecast [] you had said that rahul gandhi is better placed but pluto can also affect career. Right now, he is being questioned about an old case on the charge of corruption and money laundering, which his party members are saying is a fake case. An astrologer in India has drawn up a vedic chart for rahul gandhi [birth time as 14.29 IST for Delhi on June 19, 1970] and said he may even be jailed between july and august []. Please can you throw some light on this and also what is fated for India? Some dates here: BJP [current govt. party – April 6, 1980; 11:45 hrs, Delhi ]; Congress party [January 2, 1978; 12:00 noon, Delhi – this birthdate seems to be the one after breakaway from the old congress party by indira gandhi]

    Requesting you to please have a look.

  2. I would strongly request you to look at the chart of an upcoming politician Arvind Kejriwal. Specially post 2022 as he might be the one replacing Rahul Gandhi and Modi.

  3. Hello Marjorie, your prediction about RBI has come true, banks have never been in this situation before. Appreciate your effort in the explain the astrological aspect of events. Thank you ! Keep up the good work

    • I have deep respect for you Marjorie –

      Why Article quoted is not well researched, “Mr Modi recklessly chose to raise the stakes with neighboring Pakistan over Kashmir earlier this year. He took both countries close to war and pressed conflict into his service by ridiculously accusing the opposition of collusion with fundamentalist Islam.”

      If you read the above lines, Kashmir is an issue the world know to prop up by Pakistan long before Modi came to Power, Remember 1) Pakistan Misadventure into Kargil? 2) Remember What the previous prime minister of India called Pakistan Premier Sharif ” Dehati Aurat”, loosely translated to Rural Woman who complaints small matters to the US president?

      Westen Media failed sinister actions by Pakistan based terrorism, Does the author know Most wanted Criminal (including 1993 Mumbai Bombing) from India Dawood Ibrahim sheltered in Karachi like Osama Bin Laden?

      Based on the above points/light, theguardian Editorial fails to wrongly accuse Modi viz-a-viz Pakistan, and hence Indian supports Modi.

    • Respected Marjorie –

      To understand, Kashmir, I recommend reading/listening to Sunanda Vashist (She was in the survivor of the holocaust in Kashmir) and European media never covered the plight of Hindu Genocide in Kashmir from radical terrorism, And maybe you should question TheGuardian / Independent, Why they didn’t cover

  4. Again you missed the bus Marjorie. This line sums it all, “There are doubts about his birth date and many Indian politicians evidently lie about their details to prevent astro-analyses of their progress.” Say clearly, your prediction about this man is incorrect. He is undoubtedly the most popular leader in India after independence. But then you are not the only one who’s missed the bus, poll pundits have missed it, opposition has missed it too. This man has made destiny his own through sheer will power. I think you should research in this direction, may be then, you will get your predictions about this man correct to some extent.

    Also summarising with these lines also do not help, “This election was fought with nationalist rhetoric, subtle religious polarisation and a slew of welfare programmes with national security highlighted as a vote-getter, promising to keep the Hindu-majority society safe from external and internal threats. He is a polarising figure, adored by many and thought of as divisive by others. ”

    Its a shame the Western world in unable to digest the powers of democracy in one of the most populous countries in the world.

    • Oh spare me the contempt. It was an Indian astrology website which indicated he had varying birth dates.
      I don’t know what it is about fans of the populists/ nationalists which makes them so sneery, self-righteous and sooo determined their idol is totally without fault.

      • Don’t worry, Marjorie. There are those of us here who read you regulary and have the utmost respect for your time, dedication, and expertise and well-written and researched articles.

      • As per one astrologer –

        Narendra Modi’s birth details are:
        17th September 1950, Vadnagar (Gujrat, India), 72e38, 23n47
        There is no dispute about the data above, however, there are various birth times that were speculated and are floating around such as 11:00 am, 12:22 pm, 10:10 am etc…
        If one evaluates these 3 birth time proposals mentioned above; at a high level the major difference turns out to be that of the rising sign, or Rashi Lagna. With the first 2 birth-times considered, the rising sign will be Scorpio and with 3rd proposal, it would be Libra.

  5. Indian astrologers seem to favour the September date. But maybe this is a more favourable chart in the Vedic system? As a very young man Modi spent two years on a spiritual quest in the Himalayas. Here, he says, the sadhus (holy men) taught him how to “align himself with the rhythm of the universe”. Maybe the impulse to search for spiritual guidance shows up more in one horoscope than the other?

  6. Yes, I was hoping you would post about this, especially about Gandhi! However, the ADB has other data: 19 June 1970 at 14:28.

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