Hope Hicks – a slippery Libra

Hope Hicks, a Trump top communications aide for eighteen months in 2017/18 tap danced through seven hours of a house judiciary committee interrogation about her time in the White House, with White House lawyers accompanying her steering her away from answering questions 155 times. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle said little was learned from her testimony and chairman Jerry Nadler said the blanket objection to answering questions would “not stand.” Some committee members said the next step is going to court and forcing Hicks and others to fully comply with subpoenas and answer questions.

Hicks, born 21 October 1988, is a Sun Libra sextile Saturn Uranus in Sagittarius with Mercury in Libra trine Jupiter and square Neptune so a good if evasive communicator.

Her relationship chart with Trump, like Sarah Sanders, is built on warm friendliness with a composite Sun Venus conjunction; though the composite Sun Venus is in an illusory and ultimately disappointing square to Neptune. There’s also a hard-edged, one-sided composite Mars trine Saturn; and a constant-change Uranus opposition Pluto. And her Saturn Uranus conjunct/opposition his Full Moon isn’t ideal.

There’s a definite frisson of uncertainty and worry on the relationship chart from tr Neptune opposition the Sun/Saturn midpoint till mid August and returning off and on next year; a discouraging tr Pluto opposition Saturn/Node from mid July for a few weeks and again late in the year. So there may be a further instalment of this or something similar later on.

Her own chart has Solar Arc Saturn Uranus square the Sun around now, though it may come later in several months, which is seriously jangled. She’s also got a repeat scarily-trapped tr Pluto conjunct her Mars/Pluto mid July to late August for a few weeks and again November/December this year. She’ll sag badly late September to mid November and again mid December to late January 2020 with a couple of Neptune transits to midpoints. She’ll get some uplift late year but will feel the pressure.

4 thoughts on “Hope Hicks – a slippery Libra

  1. Based on Michael Cohen’s Court documents being unsealed today, looks like she may have committed perjury/lied to Congress.
    So your analysis is bang on Marjorie!

  2. Nadler says he’ll use the transcript of her testimony and the 155 blocked responses as support in court for how extreme the Trump stonewalling is. That’s why he continued to ask all the questions instead of stopping the proceedings. She and her White House lawyers actually played right into the judiciary committee’s hands.

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