Hong Kong – under the dragon’s claw



Hong Kong is simmering after Chinese President Xi Jinping inaugurated the new pro-Beijing leader for HK and said no resistance to Chinese sovereignty would be allowed. He effectively ripped up agreements made with the UK when Hong Kong was handed back 20 years ago. ‘One country, two systems; what a lie,’ one protestor said. Tens of thousands are on the march today to voice their dislike of encroaching Chinese control.

Carrie Lam was sworn in this morning, around 9am, which puts the Sun, Mars, Mercury opposition Pluto which is bitterly hostile and will make coming months and years challenging and crisis-ridden, with Moon Jupiter in Libra tied in and widely Uranus in Aries.

The Hong Kong 1 July 1997 12am chart looks undermined and lack-lustre in a year’s time with the Solar Arc Sun opposition the 11th house Neptune, so directionless and disappointed. Tr Pluto is also square Saturn for a discouraging 2017/18. The country will certainly be less than enchanted with their new leader.

The relationship between HK 1997 and China will be chilly this year; and into a state of upheaval in 2018/19 with tr Pluto square the composite Uranus, so the protestors are likely to continue their efforts.

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