Gwyneth Paltrow – the powerhouse behind the parody


The weird, wonderful, much parodied as well as hugely successful whacko pseudo-health trip that is Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop has made it via Netflix onto television. It started as a newsletter more than a decade ago and morphed into a substantial ecommerce business. A health researcher described it as the “the wellness version of fake news”. One TV review said: ‘This programme is mesmerising in its fakeness and emptiness’; another called it ‘a demented paean to self-indulgence.’ Camilla Long in the Times remarks: ‘My undying hatred of her shallow world of new-age falafel and vacant crystal capitalism is far outweighed by my sheer admiration for anyone who can persuade other unhappy, scared women in their forties that they will feel much better if they buy a $244 toothpaste squeezer.’ The medical profession are up in arms at some of Goop’s suggested life and fitness-enhancing remedies. Perhaps why each episode includes a disclaimer: The show is meant to “entertain and inform, not provide medical advice.”

She was born, 27 September 1972 5.25pm Los Angeles, California, into a showbusiness family and has had a spectacularly successful, award-strewn acting career – Shakespeare in Love, The Talented My Ripley – and more recently in Marvel movies. She dated Brad Pitt, Ben Affleck, married musician Chris Martin from whom she ‘consciously uncoupled’ and then hitched to producer Brad Falchuk. She is an intense and controlling Sun Pluto in Libra in her 7th conjunct Mars in late Virgo, so not easy when it comes to close relationships.

Her restless Gemini Moon is widely conjunct Saturn in the 4th and trine an 8th house Uranus Mercury in Libra – highly-strung, fairly unpredictable mood-wise. Saturn in the 4th suggests a childhood where work took precedence and that will have extended into her adult life. She has a lucky, successful 10th house Jupiter in a pushily confident square to her Sun, Pluto, Mars – so she’s not short of chutzpah though I imagine difficult to warm to at close quarters. When she launched Goop tr Pluto would be conjunct her 10th house Jupiter which would provide an auspicious start.

An oddity but she seems to sail blithely on ignoring all the nay-sayers and raking in the profits.

10 thoughts on “Gwyneth Paltrow – the powerhouse behind the parody

  1. Thanks marjorie interesting as always have always liked gwyneth also some of her ideas arent that whacky just ahead of their time

    • You may be right but she doesn’t do herself any favours with vagina eggs and vag-scented candles. And Psychic Vampire repellent? In a spray a snip at 31 dollars. It’s trading off vulnerable people’s insecurity

    • Gwyneth P is a fine actress. But all these “ideas” she promotes mostly go back centuries. Certainly, there are plant-based remedies that have found their way into the mainstream – aspirin comes from willow, digitalis from foxgloves for example. There are many alternative treatments that are effective too, and once derided treatments such as osteopathy are now accepted. Eastern practices such as Tantra and Kundalini yoga are ancient, both incorporate the idea of flowing sexual energy amongst their teachings. But the vast sums of money her company charges for products are jaw-dropping, and seem (if not actually are) cynical and greedy. And regarding the infamous candle, there were breast milk scented candles on sale at the Wellcome Collection in London before Christmas. Smelt exactly like vanilla to me…..the obvious question is whatever next? Please, do not answer!

  2. You know I have always quite liked Gwyneth and think she is a very fine actress. In a world of so many appalling people she seems a fairly benign presence and I don’t really understand the contempt and scorn for her.

  3. “My undying hatred of her shallow world of new-age falafel and vacant crystal capitalism is far outweighed by my sheer admiration for anyone who can persuade other unhappy, scared women in their forties that they will feel much better if they buy a $244 toothpaste squeezer.”

    Brilliant. New depths indeed lol.

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