Greta Thunberg – “how dare you”


Greta Thunberg has given a blistering, heartfelt speech at the UN summit on climate change. “You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words,” she told governments – “you are still not mature enough to tell it like it is. You are failing us. But the young people are starting to understand your betrayal.”

Trump ducked the UN climate change summit opting for one on religious freedom (hah!) and put out a sneery tweet about her looking happy.

Her unyielding and critical Saturn in Gemini opposition Pluto in Sagittarius sit firmly on and squash down on his Gemini Sun opposition Sagittarius Moon; and her innovative, reforming and explosive Uranus opposes his Mars – so ‘twas never going to be meeting of minds and hearts. She has an immoveable Fixed T Square of Uranus opposition Jupiter square Mars Venus in Scorpio plenty of courage, topped up by charm and confidence.

Her relationship chart with Trump is stark and hostile with a composite Sun in an argumentative opposition to Mars squaring onto a critical Saturn; with Saturn in an implacable-dislike square to Mars Pluto.

Her Capricorn Sun caught the opposition from the July Cancer Solar Eclipse as did her Solar Arc Saturn which is moving to oppose her Sun in 2020; and her Solar Arc Mars is opposing her Gemini North Node – so she’s very much in the eye of the storm and feeling she’s not winning. Her Solar Arc Neptune is conjunct her Uranus now which is highly-strung but can also be inspired.

Her humanitarian 9th Harmonic is strong, as is her ‘obsessive dream’ 11H; and her leaving-a-legacy 17H and her superstar 22H.

From previous Greta post March 15:

Young people in more than 100 countries have walked out of class today to demand action on climate change. Greta Thunberg, the Swedish schoolgirl who started the international movement, has been nominated as a candidate for this year’s Nobel Peace Prize.

She was born 3 January 2003 to an opera singer mother and an actor father. She has described herself as having been “diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), and selective mutism; and says she can’t let things go once she has seen them.

a Swedish political activist seeking to stop global warming and climate change. In August 2018, she became a prominent figure for starting the first school strike for climate, outside the Swedish parliament building.[1] In December she addressed the United Nations Climate Change Conference and in January 2019 was invited to talk at Davos where she berated business leaders for putting profit before the future security of the earth.

She has a Sun and Moon in Capricorn; with an ultra-determined and unyielding, prone-to-depression Saturn in Gemini opposition Pluto. She has a passionately enthusiastic Venus Mars in intense Scorpio in a volatile square to Uranus. Her Jupiter in flamboyant Leo is in an idealistic opposition to Neptune and a confident trine to Pluto.

Her Saturn Pluto and five Fixed planets – Mars Venus, Jupiter and Uranus Neptune – will give her staying power and obstinacy. Her Capricorn Sun and Moon give her initiative.

At the moment her Solar Arc Neptune is conjunct her Uranus which can be highly-strung though also inspired. She’ll have her down moments this year as well. It won’t ever be that easy for her with her underlying psychological issues. Tr Neptune will start an undermining square to her Pluto from this year and moves on to square her Saturn by 2022, aspecting the midpoint in between which will be droopy; and in 2021 her Solar Arc Saturn opposes her Sun which is downbeat and stuck.

She’s got guts but it’s a beyond-huge project she’s taken on.

11 thoughts on “Greta Thunberg – “how dare you”

  1. Marjorie, I want to thank you for your writing about Greta. It seems that almost all other writing about her is so polarised ( like so much today) between those who think she is some kind of saint and those that describe her as a manipulated puppet. I admire her but feel genuinely scared for her in the same way that I was when Princess Diana (who was a couple of years older than me) married Prince Charles. I had a terrible feeling and I was the only person I knew who had it. Much later, when we knew what she went through, I understood.

  2. From Richard Giles, pulled up from earlier Greta post.:

    Interesting that you have left out Chiron which is one degree from her SUN. Not sure why.. This is a significant addition to any commentary on her presence as she is one of those Chiron mavericks that we in astrology know so well. Zane Stein says of these people, ‘they are definitely originals and frequently originators. They are full of spirit and able to reach people on all levels. They do disregard many rules and they ignore people who say it can’t be done. They go through life forming two groups of people, those who like them and those who don’t!” This is definitely true of Greta – she is a polariser.

    Some examples of people with this combination – Jean Cocteau, Shirley Temple, Jeff Bridges, Mareleen Dietrich, & Doris Day. Say no more !
    Also the point made earlier about ERIS by Anthony, its trine to Pluto and Jupiter in the fire signs – a creative leader, who must watch her limits though. Burnout ..
    Also her progressed Sun and SA Sun are about to go into Aquarius and that will see some big shifts from her – more inventive, bigger world stage..?
    And her Prog Mercury is almost exactly aligned with Chiron right now. Truly original thinkers and have concern for others thinking and can reach out to others with words and ideas. That’s what she is doing right now. !

    • My niece has a Sun/Chiron conjunction in Scorpio. She developed a childhood spinal condition which means she has to use a wheelchair or sticks when the condition flares up. At school she was bullied. She is in constant pain and will probably be on painkillers for life. She’s a remarkable young girl but what marks her out is her incredible determination to pursue her dream of being a filmmaker despite her disability and she is now studying film and media and wants to get into directing and producing.

      I have never underestimated Chiron’s role in the birth chart.

      They are an exceptional generation, I think.

    • One of the reasons is that for some bizarre reason although the screen shows Chiron it doesn’t come out on the print out – which is what I mainly work from. Strange – must sort out.
      Interesting interpretation for Chiron Sun – which I have natally in Virgo in the 12th – makes a good deal of sense what Zane Stein says. Astrologers tend to be on the over optimistic side of Chiron, the wounded healer. Apart from Liz Greene, who typically tells it like it is. The unhealable wound is exactly that. In a way interesting that Greta Thunberg with her Aspergers which is a lifelong condition is fighting in some ways an unwinnable battle about the wounded earth. I’m not saying some progress can’t be made but I’m not too sanguine about this campaign being transformative and healing all the damage.

  3. “She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!” Trump wrote late Monday, retweeting a video of the teen speaking.

    This is the leadership style that America voted for. We deserve it.

  4. She will go down in history as the “voice in the wilderness”. I hope in the future she can settle into a productive role in changing the world, but her aspects right now are so difficult. She’s going through the fire. May it temper her like fine steel.

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