George Michael – hitting the heights and depths



Superstar singer George Michael has died aged 53 of heart failure according to early reports. In a glitteringly successful career he sold 100 million records but he seemed to be on an endless self-destruct course with drug and sex scandals dogging his footsteps. He was a heavy marijuana smoker, dabbled in designer drugs and crack cocaine, cruised for sex with strangers and struggled with depression over the death of one lover from HIV, his mother, and the break-up of a long-term relationship in recent years.

Born 25 June 1963 6am London, England, he had a 12th house Cancer Sun with a chaotic, angry, deeply frustrated Mars Pluto Uranus in Virgo in his 3rd house.  Mental strain would always be a problem. The 3rd house rules mental functions – Pluto digs too deep, gets negative especially close to Mars and Uranus adds an explosive, erratic streak. He had a flamboyant Leo Moon but it was restricted by an emotionally damped-down Saturn in Aquarius in the 8th, which would make it difficult for him to make intimate connections.

His Moon was also square Neptune in Scorpio, which in turn sat on the focal point of a Yod to Venus in social-butterfly Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries. Such an afflicted Neptune would give him a deep sense of loneliness and make him yearn for peace, solitude and escape from the pressures of everyday life. Marlon Brando and Richard Burton also had Yod focal point Neptunes, so drink and drugs would provide one way of fleeing emotional disorganization and feelings of unworthiness. His Cancer North Node was conjunct his Ascendant giving him identity problems – he struggled to know who he really was.

On top of all this sat lucky, talented, successful Jupiter in Aries in his 10th which trined his Moon putting a superficial gloss on a fairly tortured life.

He had a strong and stressed 7th Harmonic (septiles), which can add a spiritual dimension, a seeking soul, though is also associated with drink and drug addictions. His 10th Harmonic – the ‘Wheel of Fortune’ is heavy, dark and highly strung and contains the seed of good and bad, the rise and fall. Like Mel Gibson, his 19th Harmonic is also marked which usually accompanies success and prosperity but isn’t a lucky or happy number.

Tr Neptune in recent years had been opposing his Uranus, Pluto and at the moment Mars which would not improve his mental stability. Tr Saturn is on the cusp of his 6th house of health.

‘You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.’ (Nieztsche.)

One thought on “George Michael – hitting the heights and depths

  1. Thanks Marjorie. Sad as it is, at least he has left so much behind for the rest of us to appreciate, like so many other tortured genius’ before him (and I’m sure of those to follow). I’m glad he found an outlet for all of that internal tension and channeled it into some amazing creative works for the world to enjoy but sad it wasn’t enough to stop those emotions completely consuming him. Just hope he finds peace.

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