Gavin Williamson – privy to dark secrets



Gavin Williamson, former chief whip and holder of the black book of MP misdemeanours, confidante of Theresa May and proud owner of a pet tarantula, has been shoehorned into the top Defence job, with zero experience, to much dismay amongst the military and top Tories. Known as the ‘baby-faced assassin’ he’s seen as an ambitious careerist with his eye on the main chance, possibly even the top job in years to come.

Born 25 June 1976, he’s a Sun Venus in Cancer square Pluto – charmingly persuasive and controlling; with an autocratic Saturn square Uranus (doesn’t practice what he preaches); an opportunistic Mars in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (echoing TMay’s Mars opposition Jupiter); and a slippery, evasive Mercury in Gemini opposition Neptune.

He’ll have mis-steps, setbacks, jolts, jangles and muddles along the way of the next two years; but significantly tr Pluto trine his Jupiter in 2018/2019 will give him a real boost, with confidence and a few successes to purr over. Then his Solar Arc Jupiter will conjunct his Sun, late 2020/2021 which would position him nicely come the next election – if it waits till then.

7 thoughts on “Gavin Williamson – privy to dark secrets

  1. One of my best friends is just a couple of days his junior, with Moon joining that Sun/Venus in Cancer. Everything but opportunistic, in fact, we all were pretty upset with her not taking a prestigious art school place she was offered by people she took a course with. Her Mars would be in the 11th house, Jupiter in the 8th. So, what’s the story here?

    • Possibly a different hemisphere emphasis, it’s hard to know without birth times. Someone with a western emphasis is more likely to follow opportunities, whereas someone with a more eastern chart is more focused on self determination.

      • Friend’s chart is actually Western ruled, as well. Sun/Venus/Moon as well as Mercury are 9th house, Jupiter 8th house. She does have a MA and lectures in a Community College type environment. But she’s had hard time finding a stable job, and it’s definitely because she does not like to selfpromote. She does have Pluto duck on on her Ascendant, which probably explains a lot. We actually have a pretty “hardcore” synastry too, we’ve had epic fights, but maybe just because of that we know other’s dark side, and I can say she definitely isn’t opportunistic in any sense.

        • Hmm, perhaps that new moon overrules it then? Especially in cardinal cancer, perhaps she just enjoys the buzz of starting new projects and collaborating with new people and artistic concepts (w/venus and 9th)?

          I see what you are saying about the difference. It sounds more like she is (unwisely) turning down an invitation, for which she was suitable rather than failing to impose herself into a role that was beyond her. I have a very western chart, but not sure that I would ever have the balls to appoint myself to a job I knew nothing about like Williamson, just because I could. I would have to be a paycheck away from destitution, and even then…

          I’m all for “fake it til you make it” in certain situations, but this is far too big.

  2. Could Mr. Williamson be that new British leader you said would bring high expectations around 2020 but end in disappointment?(The Astrological History of the World;highly recommended by the way)Certainly sounds like it.

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