EU ahead – same obstacle course as UK




The EU – 31 December 1957 11pm Brussels – has a chart not dissimilar in major respects from the UK with a 4th house Capricorn Sun, an Ascendant only a few degrees earlier and planets in all four Fixed signs in the financial houses.

At the moment exactly the Solar Arc Uranus is square the Sun which suggests a major upheaval, a shock bringing insecurity, which could be migrants, the Schengen re-think or the Brit possible exit.

The Saturn Return is due later this year into 2017 which is grow-up time, get real and start sensible planning for the next 29 year cycle. Tr Saturn is moving through the EU 3rd house, late 2014 to the end of 2017, which will throw up obstacles to communication and travel within the EU.

Tr Saturn then moves into the 4th house for four years from 2018, joining tr Pluto there (2008 – 2024). So Saturn’s presence will exacerbate the already conflicted feelings about the foundations of the EU, its traditions and security, as well as concerns about agriculture.

Tr Uranus has been moving through the 7th since 2011 to 2018, which is often a time of partnership separations and arguments about co-operation versus independence.  It’s tr Uranus through the 8th from 2018 to 2026 which will cause the most disruption, as it upsets business finances. But more pointedly it moves in hard aspect to the 2nd house Neptune, 11th house Uranus, 8th house Moon and 5th house Venus all in Fixed signs. A good deal of this is likely to be financial since 2nd, 5th, 8th are all money houses and the 11th is about future directions. So radical changes.

In addition there are a clutch of other difficult aspects around the same time. A devastating (economically) Solar Arc Pluto conjunct Neptune in 2019, at the same time as tr Neptune makes a high-worry square to the EU Saturn in Sagittarius. A dead-halt Solar Arc MC conjunct the 12th house Pluto in 2019/20; and a ‘shocking’ Solar Arc Mars opposition Uranus and square Moon in 2021.

Tr Neptune is moving through the 6th, 2012 to 2025, usually not great for employment, workers’ rights etc.

On the upside tr Jupiter moves into the 1st from early this September which will produce a confidence boost; and mid 2017 for a year sees a lucky-break tr Uranus opposition Jupiter; as tr Jupiter moves into the EU 2nd house for a year. So there will be some improvement on the money front, albeit temporary. 2022/23 also sees tr Pluto square Jupiter which will bring a major confident push, perhaps in the aftermath of a meltdown.

After the mid 2020s tr Pluto moves into Aquarius into the EU 5th; tr Uranus into Gemini into the EU 9th; and tr Saturn into Aries above the EU Descendant. That will see a considerable gear shift away from a difficult few years.

Admittedly tr Pluto in Aquarius will then start to hard aspect the EU Fixed planets so a whole, new and different kind of financial transformation will begin to gradually take hold.

3 thoughts on “EU ahead – same obstacle course as UK

  1. Having read with great interest your forcast for the uk,I am wondering how you see real estate prices for England from 2016 through 2018. That is to say buyers and renters alike. Thanks Marjorie in anticipation.

  2. Looking at the EU chart I was struck by the Ascending sign at 29 degrees Virgo being the same degree as David Cameron’s chart. No wonder he is a fanatic Europhile. I believe he has been promised the Presidency of the EU in 2018 as he has stated that he will not serve a full term and the Commission will change in 2018. I think Merkel has made it clear to him that staying in the EU will ensure his Presidency.

  3. Wonderful long-term summary for planning. But no matter where I live, the latter part of this decade will see “change”. Might it be possible to have a look at ‘la France’?

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