Enjoy the fun or savour the peace


Happy Festivities and All the Best for 2020. May it float by on a drift of dreams and fantasies.

My most favourite flowering tree is out. Always the earliest – Pearl Mimosa with a heavenly scent. Otherwise Acacia podalyriifolia.

[I would have written a cheerful message across it but Adobe has messed up photoshop which now means all pics with texts now require too much RAM. Urgh. By next NY will have new specc-ed up desktop.]

23 thoughts on “Enjoy the fun or savour the peace

  1. Sorry I am late for Christmas so I will wish you all a happy and peaceful new year and decade beyond.

    I’m south coast too and have a big garden for the first time in my adult life. I still have no idea what to put in it, so thanks for the tip Hugh! We have some sort of shrub that’s started producing pink blossom already and I saw a butterfly on it the other day, odd because it’s been very wet and cold. Good luck with the move Marjorie, I hope that’s not just because of Brexit

  2. Thanks Marjorie, good wishes for next year to you too. I love your witty and informative readings and admire your hard work immensely. Try moving to Malvern. It’s lovely here!

  3. Oh I’ve given up with Adobe, Marjorie. There are so many other, more user-friendly and intuitive Art/Photo/Design apps now, I don’t see the point in Adobe anymore.

    Many thanks for sharing your astrological insights. This is a wonderful blog and I have learned much from you and the many contributors to this site. A happy 2020 to everyone.

  4. All the best to you in 2020, Marjorie. In the eight years that I’ve been following your wonderful site, I’ve learned so much about astrology…..and look forward to learning more.

  5. Happy Christmas Marjorie.

    I have a Mimosa in my garden. On the south coast of the UK where I live they usually flower in February to March and are a sign spring is on the way.

    • They are lovely harbingers of spring – well here even earlier than that. I have five varieties in the garden – quartre saisons (4 seasons), grey leaf Covenyii, logifolia which is a lovely shape, the hideously invasive Dealbata and the one above. They come out over the next few months.
      Good to know they grew in the south of England since I hope to be moving there when I sell this house – sometime soon I hope.

  6. Dear Marjorie,
    Try ‘Gimp’ – it’s free and popping a text box across an image should be no trouble.
    Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year!

  7. I found this site by accident. I am a skeptic in these things but I must say this astrology stuff is curious. Your readings are interesting so I look forward to more.
    Hope you are able to enjoy more than just soup now lol. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

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