Emilia Clarke – death defying in life as well as on screen



Emilia Clarke, the English actress who plays Daenerys Targaryen in Game of Thrones has admitted she suffered two brain aneurysms early on in the eight-year run of the series. Either of them could have killed her and she underwent risky brain surgery and a difficult convalescence before stepping back into a pressured role.

Born 23 October 1986 in London (no time sadly) she’s a last degree Libra or zero Scorpio Sun conjunct Pluto square Mars in Aquarius, so carries a good deal of inner tension and frustration. Her Pluto is in a confident trine to Jupiter; and her Saturn in Sagittarius is in a disciplined sextile to her Mars and a hates-failure square to her Jupiter.  Her Moon is a singleton in Gemini/Cancer. Often singleton Moons go along with a public career.

When she had her first collapse from a brain bleed in 2011 tr Pluto was conjunct her Sun/Jupiter which should have given her a surge of confidence but was also conjunct her Mars/Saturn which can be accident-prone and fairly disastrous. Two years later when she had an even more serious operation her Solar Arc Neptune was in a debilitating square to her Sun; and she had an uncertain worrisome Solar Arc Saturn conjunct Neptune as well.

A birth time would definitely help. Extraordinary she was able to recover, keep it secret, and continue in such a challenging role and with a punishing work schedule.

One thought on “Emilia Clarke – death defying in life as well as on screen

  1. What’s amazing about Emilia is also her sense of humor. In fact, pretty much all of the younger GOT cast members who got their in the show are funny and engaging to be interviewed. Emilia, Sophie Turner and Masie Williams are also first class “whitehat” internet trolls.

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