Eclipses, Solar and Lunar in 2019 – hitting close to home



The 2019 Capricorn Solar Eclipses in January and December and the Cancer one in July will have a direct and critical effect on both the UK and USA country charts with their respective Capricorn and Cancer Suns.

The 5th January 2019 Solar Eclipse at 15 degrees Capricorn conjunct Saturn on one side and Pluto on the other will be heavy going in general with Pluto still in the unsettled square to Uranus. There’s nothing much on the angles except Venus IC for Washington, which isn’t always a placing of peace. The Saturn will be conjunct the UK Sun and IC and opposition the USA Sun – for a reality check.

A Solar Eclipse conjunct an individual or country Sun suggests reaching a fork in the road, and having to take responsibility for decisions about which road to take since there’ll be no turning back. An Eclipse in opposition to the Sun means facing up to the fact that you’re not always right and having to take a different perspective. There’s usually a crisis which precipitates some soul searching either at the time or in the months after.

The 2 July 2019 Total Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees Cancer is more fearsome for the UK with the Eclipse opposing the Sun for a good going crisis; and an argumentative, disruptive and maybe violent Mars Mercury is conjunct the MC square Uranus conjunct the Descendant. It will have some effect on the USA Cancer Sun but seems less event-filled over there. The theme is obsessive thinking.

The 25 December 2019 Solar Eclipse at 4 degrees Capricorn conjunct Jupiter is within 7 degrees of the IC for London so could be highlighting a major happening. Jupiter isn’t always lucky in Eclipse charts since it amplifies bad as well as good – and there is a harsh Saturn Pluto sextile Mars. This Eclipse is even closer to the IC for Washington with the Node conjunct the MC so could be more critical there.   The theme is sudden endings.

Lunar Eclipses can have just as strong if not stronger an effect.

Total Lunar Eclipse 21 January 2019 at zero degrees Leo/Aquarius will conjunct the UK Jupiter and has Uranus on the IC located to London for an upheaval. An Eclipse on Jupiter can be expansive but can also point to over optimism. It’s very keyed up for Washington with the Eclipse Moon conjunct the MC opposition Sun on the IC square Uranus on the Descendant – that looks very divisive.

The 16 July 2019 Lunar Eclipse at 24 Capricorn/Cancer has the Moon conjunct Pluto and Saturn. This will be critical for the USA since it hits the USA Mercury in Cancer exactly (in a fanatical opposition to Pluto) so will exacerbate nervous strain and increase dogmatic opinions. Jupiter sits on the Ascendant located to Washington; and Neptune on the Ascendant for London.

The January 2020 Lunar Eclipse has the Moon at 19 Cancer opposition Sun Saturn Pluto, which hits the UK 10th House Moon exactly, so a crisis and emotional shock affecting the rulership of the country, including monarch.

These latter two Lunar Eclipses will also be critical for Saudi Arabia since it shakes up their Sun Jupiter Saturn in Capricorn.

8 thoughts on “Eclipses, Solar and Lunar in 2019 – hitting close to home

  1. The Solar Eclipse on 26 December 2019 at 4° Capricorn is exactly conjunct the degree of the last Saturn Pluto Synod in Capricorn at the start of the Reformation 1518. It is the last Solar Eclipse before the next Saturn Pluto synod in Capricorn in January 2020. I feel in my bones that this has a significance far deeper than just the current political infighting in the UK and the USA

    • Hugh, That’s interesting. The 1517/18 Reformation, creating a gynormous European chasm pitting Catholics against Protestants kicked off on a Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus – not the same degrees now but v similar. Which led to centuries of argument and fighting.
      David Starkey made some typically cogent and acidic comments on Theresa May’s approach to Brexit relating it further back to Henry’s split with Rome around the 1530s.
      ‘The dishonest and duplicitous Mrs May is the Cardinal Wolsey of our time.’

  2. Curious about the potential effects of the upcoming solar and lunar eclipses on Cancerian Canada – and our Capricorn prime minister!

  3. January Solar Eclipse for The US seems to come right on time, given Sun also represent “Sovreign” in Mundane Astrology. Michael Cohen’s plea deal today seems so damning for President Trump that I could well see Democrats starting impeachment procedures very soon after taking hold of the house. I know many people think it wouldn’t be convenient for them, politically. But Republicans impeached Clinton for what was argueably a lesser perjury and very unlike to “fly” even if they had a 10 seat (!) majority in the house as a political calculation. It backfired on them, but I think having Trump grilled by, let’s say, Kamala Harris, would actually work just fine for Democrats in many key States.

    • The January 15 Capricorn Eclipse will catch Jared Kushner’s Sun. And the mid July Capricorn/Cancer Lunar Eclipse will elbow Trump’s Saturn Venus in Cancer sharply.

  4. “The January 2020 Lunar Eclipse has the Moon at 19 Cancer opposition Sun Saturn Pluto, which hits the UK 10th House Moon exactly, so a crisis and emotional shock affecting the rulership of the country, including monarch.”

    How is the Queen’s chart looking at this period?

  5. Marjorie,

    I have my ascendent at 1° Cancer, with my Sun exactly conjunct my midheaven. Would the eclipses affect any of these angles?

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