E Jean Carroll – risking her reputation by speaking out


E Jean Carroll, one of the USA’s most popular advice columnists, has written a book in which she says she was sexually assaulted by Donald Trump in the mid 1990s. She said she told two friends at the time but was advised she’d be buried in lawyers if she reported it, so stayed silent.   No doubt this will go the way of the other manifold allegations against him, written off as fake news and fiction. So no one is going to be any the wiser.

Born 12 December 1943 she’s a Sun Sagittarius opposition Saturn in Gemini which falls across Trump’s Full Moon. She’s also got a volatile Mars Uranus in Gemini sextile Pluto North Node in Leo and inconjunct Mercury in Capricorn – giving her leadership abilities, making her hyper-active at a mental and communication level, tending to be scattered but ultimately designed to be a teacher or social enlightener.

Her Jupiter in entertaining Leo is conjunct Trump’s Mars so it is a high-energy interface; though her Saturn sitting on top of his Sun will have a seriously dampening effect on him.

On her personal chart at the moment her Solar Arc Saturn is conjunct her Mars which will accompany a deal of grief as she’ll no doubt be avalanched with denials and vituperation from the fan base. And while 2020 will have its moments of great elation as her Solar Arc Mars is conjunct her Jupiter, she’ll also have a run of uncertainty with tr Neptune square her Sun, and moving after that to conjunct her Sun/Saturn midpoint and finally square her Saturn in 2021/22.

There’s no absolute way of telling from the astrology about guilt or innocence but their relationship chart is certainly under slipping and sliding Neptune transits for the next three years. There’s a superficially sociable composite Sun, Venus, Jupiter; but also a composite Mars conjunct Node which is conjunct Saturn, giving rise to anger. Around the time the alleged incident took place in late 95/early 96 tr Saturn was then opposing the composite Sun, Jupiter, Venus – dampening good feelings.  And tr Neptune (conjunct tr Uranus) was opposing Trump’s Saturn Venus in Cancer. It was the time when he was climbing out of her near-bankruptcy phase.  See previous post 19th June below.

12 thoughts on “E Jean Carroll – risking her reputation by speaking out

    “Carroll is the 22nd woman to publicly accuse Trump of sexual misconduct.
    Carroll reacted to Trump’s denials by calling out how predictable his response was. “He denies it, he turns it around, he attacks, and he threatens,” Carroll said. “And then everybody forgets it, and the next woman comes along … I am sick of it.”
    “Or perhaps another accuser won’t come along. Perhaps women are hearing Trump’s message loud and clear: don’t bother speaking up about sexual assault, especially if it was by a powerful man, because nothing will happen. Your character will be assassinated, you will be threatened, and the man will paint himself as the victim. Perhaps women are looking around at Trump and Brett Kavanaugh and Louis CK and all the powerful men who have brushed off misconduct claims like they’re parking tickets, and thinking, “Why bother saying anything, when nobody is going to believe me anyway?” Which, of course, is exactly what predators like Trump want.”



    • Is this the political/psychological phenomenon of “Belief Perseverance” in action? Maybe this is what Saturn/Pluto in Capricorn is trying to get us to work on.

      It still amazes me that even with someone as creepy as Jimmy Savile and years and years of rumours, it took about a year after his death for everyone to face the truth. Speaking of Savile, to answer one of JAS’s points below, Jimmy Savile was someone who racked up about 40 or 50 years of far worse “trying it on” in dressing rooms, all over the BBC. No one could quite bring themselves to believe it was happening and yet it did.

  2. Hi Beth,

    I am not American, so here is an outside perspective. There have been 12 accusers. At what point is the word of one woman enough? Those who are dismissive when a victim tells their story are a huge part of the problem. Please understand that you continue to enable sexual assault when you disbelieve, especially online.

    As Marjorie has stated, 6% false reporting. Sexual assault is the most underreported crime. If you are wondering why, look to your own behaviour as that is what the victim stands up against.

    As an FYI – this is my first response to anyone online. I truly hope you reflect on how hurtful your comments have the potential to be to all survivors of sexual assault.

  3. Of course most assaults and rapes aren’t fabricated, but we sure do have a lot of people in the US who, like the president, mastered the art of creating fake stories. Two institutions of higher learning which I’ve been associated with had specific reports of fake rapes that captured the public attention and upset so many people. In some cases the college coeds, immature and manipulative, were trying to capture the attention of males they liked and were misguided about how to get attention.

    While I believe some stories about Trump, I do not believe this one, nor the one that supposedly took place on an airplane. The idea that he would try it in dressing room is quite sensational, since you couldn’t do that without being caught. In this case the woman would have been more or less an equal to Trump at the time.The intensity of dislike for Trump attracts these accusers. The more credible accusers of Trump are the younger women, and it’s really more in keeping with his tendency to go for younger women. The president attracts sensationalism that is equal to the sensationalism he creates, like when he used to start rumors that members of the British Royal famiiy were at his properties. He’s getting his just deserts.

    And, as embarrassing it is to admit, the US kind of deserves Trump. A few months ago, the Jusse Smolett created great attention by hiring, paying for and staging a fake attack. However, the amount of money that police departments spent investigating it does make it a big thing. I had no idea what MAGA meant before Smolett brought attention to it.

    Another terrible example of how crazy our American culture is — A parent warned that the STEM school in Colorado was a perfect storm from another Columbine type tragedy. Administrators denied it and in fact took legal action against this parent. Then a few months later, the shooting occurred.

  4. Marjorie Thank you for your views on Peterson.I do agree both ways…I am Libra Ascendant and as you know we see both sides….not easy. I do hate the idea of those fabricating such serious crimes,be they male or female.

  5. Marjorie:Rule 8 would apply ….his explanation too long to place here but worth a read(it’s on YT too)…he explains the longterm effects of lying and fabrication,especially of imagined assault/rape etc to suit peoples’ ends..and how it affects them eventually when they are found out. Very interesting author.

    Peterson’s 12 rules
    Rule 1 Stand up straight with your shoulders back

    Rule 2 Treat yourself like you would someone you are responsible for helping

    Rule 3 Make friends with people who want the best for you

    Rule 4 Compare yourself with who you were yesterday, not with who someone else is today

    Rule 5 Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them

    Rule 6 Set your house in perfect order before you criticise the world

    Rule 7 Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)

    Rule 8 Tell the truth – or, at least, don’t lie

    Rule 9 Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t

    Rule 10 Be precise in your speech

    Rule 11 Do not bother children when they are skate-boarding

    Rule 12 Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street

    • Beth, Since time immemorial children who spoke up about being abused or adult women who tried to tell their tale of being sexually assaulted were accused of being mad or bad – fantasists or liars. It’s the absolute knee jerk response to allegations which wouldn’t happen with any other crime. I’m sure a few do fabricate for whatever reason but it is overwhelmingly NOT the problem in this area. Being subject to a wall of often hostile disbelief is.
      Since Peterson speaks for the men’s movement it’s hardly surprising he diverts attention towards the never-happened scenario rather than tackling the more prevalent one.
      I’m not a rampant feminist since women can be – in their own way – as damaging as men. Indeed most men who rape have been seriously messed up by their mothers. But trying to airbrush everything out of sight is a depressingly familiar tactic in this area – and to be resisted.

  6. Trump has already slashed out at her as being part of a radical left Democrat plot.

    Teflon Trump is his new nickname, perhaps.

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