As light relief from political bickering, there appears to be a struggle for social supremacy amongst the ‘turnip toffs’ in Norfolk which has resulted in the Duchess of Cambridge falling out with former model Rose Hanbury, Marchioness of Cholmondeley. A one per cent of a one per cent problem.
Rose Hanbury was born 15 March 1984 and is a Sun Pisces in an ultra-determined trine to Mars in Scorpio, with Pluto and Saturn also in Scorpio. She has an intensely charming, can-be-manipulative Venus in Pisces trine Pluto, sextile Neptune (Jupiter) in Capricorn.
The synastry (without birth times) isn’t too fraught although Kate’s Uranus squares Rose’s Venus, Kate’s Neptune squares Rose’s Sun; and Rose’s Saturn squares Kate’s Venus, so there would always have been a few teeth-gritted moments behind the smiles and a disinclination especially on Kate’s part to be too closely tied together.
Their relationship chart does have a friendly composite Sun Venus and an adventurous Jupiter Uranus; but that is over shadowed by a poisonous and hostile composite Pluto, Mars, Saturn which would always have been lurking in the undergrowth. And was detonated out into the open from last year as tr Uranus upended their relationship in opposition to the composite Pluto, moving on through this May to oppose the composite Mars Saturn. So it won’t be settling anytime soon.
Her husband David Cholmondeley, 27 June 1960, doesn’t look easy with either Kate or Prince William for the next couple of years with an aggravating, frustrating tr Pluto opposition their composite Mars.
Rose’s Mars in Scorpio 25 degrees, William’s Venus in Taurus at 25 degrees. Rose’s Pluto conjunct William’s MC. And what else, Marjorie? I’ve not poked around long under this bush, but certainly interesting is neither has the bloodthirsty lot of brit press. Seems to be bits worth poking at. Everybody’s afraid of being sued, then?
Dear Marjorie,
Can I request you to make one correction to your article? Rose Hanbury, is, by marriage, *Marchioness* of Cholmondeley (confusingly pronounced “Machenes of Chumley”).
Her husband, David Cholmondeley, is the present Marquess of Cholmondeley and also the present (for either the lifetime of the present monarch or his lifetime, whichever ends first) Lord Great Chamberlain of England (and in that capacity nominally responsible for the Palace of Westminster).
For those who have seen a State Opening of Parliament, he is the person in the red coat carrying the white staff who greets the Queen when she alights from the carriage in the Palace of Westminster. He can be seen here (at 48:47 in the Youtube video on the State Opening of Parliament 2016) escortiing the Queen into the Robing Rooom of the palace of Westminster.
LarryC may not appreciate just how rarified the air is at that level. It is not merely nobility, but one of the highest and oldest Offices of State.
Forgot to insert link to the Youtube video.
Further to my earlier post, the holder of the Marquessate of Cholmomdeley is the Lord Great Chamberlain in every alternative reign (read the Wikipedia article on that office for a fuller explanation).
Therefore, depending on how long Charles reigns, the present Marquess of Cholmondeley may well again be Lord Great Chamberlain when William comes to the throne.
Highlighting this due to the potential conflict predicted in Marjorie’s last paragraph.
Interesting information. I also read Marchioness’ biography, and she seems to come from well connected family, too. Her grandmother (I don’t know from which side) was a bridesmaid for Princess Elizabeth. Royal bridesmaids are usually discreet, and they do not have maid of honor. I remember people didn’t find the role Pippa had at her sister’s wedding appropriate.
“LarryC may not appreciate just how rarified the air is at that level.”
I can breathe easier already. Life’s tough when raised in the Americas.
There are now reports that it is fake – I wondered whether the pro Meghan lobby might have leaked something to show her in a better light to the detriment of Kate. Do you have any views on this angle Marjorie – thank you?
Ni I don’t. I wish everyone would get off Meghan’s case for a while. If the birth dates are sound, it is what it says on the tin. There’s just damage limitation going on at the moment.
Thank you for being so candid
Some say that William may have liked too much the view?
Kate’s Capricorn Sun must be dying to lord it over everyone. I think it is a pity she doesn’t channel that competitive energy into the Royal Charities and Foundations.
It is interesting how there’s still a persistent thread of her batting off other people from William (his schoolmates, their college friends, any attractive woman). Is she still so insecure in her relationship after 3 kids and several years of marriage? She doesn’t strike me as an abuser or bully, but clearly William isn’t allowed spend time with people if she doesn’t like them.
The air is far too thin for me to think clearly at that level of nobility.
Personally, I feel Meghan has the better of it over Kate.
Women batting women away from their husbands is a practice as old as time and typical of pretty much all the couples I know. I believe this to be because of a collective understanding that many men can have a wandering eye and also certain women are wuite aggressive with very wealthy rich men (Sanchez/Bezos). My family had difficulty finding a caregiver/cook for my elderly parents because my mother, well into her dementia, accused the women of trying to steal her husband and would physically eject them from the house. That is how deeply ingrained the psychological construct can be.
Uranus will be conjuncting Prince William’s IC and opposing his MC
this year and next.So disruptive and abrupt changes in home/family and
career.The Cambridges may well not
be in their current situation for long.
I wanted to ask about this! But then I thought “Marjorie probably won’t write about it”, but had a dash of hope left. I also convinced myself that it’s all false and a “gutter press” story.
I confess I thought initially it was a created kerfuffle, but that’s the joy of astrology – gives you (sometimes) the definite answer.